Charm: Yaku Morisuke

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Yaku Morisuke was a mess before every match unless he got a kiss from you. From day one he deemed you his good luck charm. 

He noticed that whenever you were at the match, he'd play ten times better than he would at a match that you weren't at. After that game, he ran up to you and gave a list of several reasons why you should watch him play at every match. It made you giggle to see the athlete so excited over something (not to mention Haiba was happy he wasn't yelling at him 24/7).

Then, you made it tradition to give him a kiss on the cheek before he went to play. You would sneak down to the locker room and wait for him to exit. The first time you did that, he became a blushing mess. But damn was it enough motivation for him that he received every serve perfectly when he played.

Eventually, kisses on the cheek become kisses on the lips.   

Certainly, the team was happy when the two of you finally started dating (they were sick of the constant flirting), but they got annoyed with how antsy Yaku would get until you kissed him. You never realised it until they pointed it out to you. So it was your number one priority to get to his games early so he wouldn't freak too much.

But today you were late. Goodness, you were /way/ late.

The teacher of your (best class) kept you later than the rest of your class because she said it was important that they spoke with you. Honestly, you didn't see why your teacher thought it was a big deal for you to tutor someone; helping someone else was just the right thing to do.

Anyways, the teacher held you for an amount of time that you thought was unnecessarily long. When you realised that Morisuke's match was going to start in twenty minutes, you practically sprinted to the gym. It was only a practice match, but he insisted that it was just as important as the real deal.

When you shoved open the gym doors, your eyes instantly searched for the libero. While doing so, you noted the Karasuno team that practised on the opposite side of the net. A smile floated to your lips when you saw your nervous boyfriend. His hands were tugging at his jersey as he sat, staring expectantly at the door while his team was warming up. It took him a few seconds to realise that you stood there, but when he did, the smile he wore meant he was already feeling a lot better.

"Ya-ku-sen-pai!" you sang out happily. You put a little skip in your step and laced your fingers together behind your back as you made your way to him.

Once standing in front of him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug (one he happily returned). Looking up at you expectantly, he rested his chin on your stomach. As you leant down, the corner of his lips turned up in a smirk.

Instead of pressing your mouth to his, you rested your lips on his forehead. If he was being cheeky, you were ready to play the teasing game.

"Oi, F/N." he whined gently, pulling away so you were at arm's length.

"I gave you your good luck kiss!" he rolled his eyes at the grin you were wearing before tugging your face close to his with his hands.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Before you could say something back, you heard Kuroo groan. "Just hecking kiss him already. He needs to warm up still."


lol i just thought this was funny

hopefully you guys like this i kinda rushed while writing it.

plus there isn't much diologue. 

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