The Gentle Giant: Aone Takanobu

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just so u guys know italicized means flashback ig


For as long as you could remember, Aone always had a larger body structure compared to your classmates. When you met him, he always seemed lonely, everyone else seemed so scared of Aone. It was one of the reasons you became friends with him. Looking back on it, if you didn't have the guts to talk to him, your life wouldn't be as fulfilling as it has been.

Your fingers curled into tight fists at your sides. Every day during recess, you would always see the same boy sitting at the swingset, looking down at the ground. It bothered you that no one ever played with him.

One of your friends grabbed your arm, "L/N," she pulled you closer to her. "You're not going to talk to him, right? He's dangerous. I heard he pushed an older student off the slide!"

Pulling away from her, you gave her a big frown. "Hey! You should know not to listen to that kind of stuff. I've never seen him hurt anyone, let alone talk to someone." With a determined glint in your eyes, you started walking towards him. "I'm going to be friends with him. And you can't change my mind."

About halfway to the swingset, you stopped walking and took a deep breath. The only things you have ever heard about Aone weren't very nice. In all honesty, you were a little scared about talking to him. No one, absolutely no one, has ever talked with him. . . Or at least, no one has tried to be kind to him; this was uncharted territory. Clearing your throat, you started towards him again.

Making sure to have your friendliest smile on, you stood in front of your classmate. You stood there, waiting patiently for him to look up, but there must have been something very interesting on the ground, even after two minutes of waiting, he didn't seem to notice you. It was kind of embarrassing. . . You went over there fully intending on talking to him, but it seemed he was fine. Maybe you just needed to start the conversation.

Squatting, you started to dig through dirt. You moved your hands away to reveal the smiley face that you drew by his feet. "Hi! I'm L/N, F/N. What's your name?" While waiting for his response, you drew a rabbit next to the smile. When you didn't receive an answer, you looked up at him and gave a small smile, "Wanna play together? I can push you on the swing! Or we could play tag!"

Suddenly, he spoke, "Don't you know who I am?" His voice was so soft, you could hardly hear him. It was almost as if he hardly talked before you came up to him.

"Hai," Of course, you knew who he was. He was one of the biggest conversation topics among the kids in your class. "But I wanted to get to know you properly. My mum always says 'kindness begets kindness.' And I think that means everyone deserves to be treated equally." Whatever that means. Standing, you wiped the dirt from your hands onto your skirt before sitting on the swing next to his.

You sat next to him in silence for a few seconds before he moved behind your swing. Aone gave you a soft push to get you moving. Looking over your shoulder, you smiled. You really thought about saying thank you to him, but the silence the two of you shared was so serene. He had such a calming aura, you were scared that you would ruin the atmosphere.

At the time you didn't know just how important to your life he was going to be. After that day, you spent every recess with him. He was so much fun to be around, you were glad you spoke to him that day. Your friendship grew stronger as the two of you grew older.

"What do you mean by that?" You seethed, chest rising rapidly as you looked at your classmate. "You should apologize right now."

"Why? All I said is that you have a nice butt." The student grinned. You didn't know what you were expecting; this is exactly something a middle schooler would say. "It's a compliment."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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