Graduation: Futakuchi Kenji

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So I just graduated yesterday and obviously I am interested in making this.

Please enjoy. this'll probably have kenji hella ooc

may contain slight lime but idk at this point


"Senpai," the whine was gentle, hardly evident in his voice, but it was still there. "Just take a break for five minutes. Your speech won't walk away."

In an instant fiery, (E/C) irises locked onto those of her boyfriends. "Yah, Futakuchi, are you going to walk away?"

He knew how important this was to her; it was easy to spot with her working on it all the time. Being the best in the school certainly took skill. Slowly the male stood, eyes stuck on hers.

"If it gets you to rest, then yes. Pay attention to me." as he walked towards her bedroom door he heard the clicking of the keyboard cease, followed by the soft tap of the laptop closing. With a mocking eyebrow cocked, he turned.

"I'm only going to eat dinner." when Kenji's lips raised in a challenging smirk, she decided to take a longer break. "I guess hanging out with you won't be bad either..." by this point, she was fully standing, fingers laced in front of her body and lips pushed into a slight pout.

There's the innocent act that she continuously fronted. He knew it was an easy for the (H/C)ette to get what she wanted; only around others; Kenji knew the ploy too well. But it still shocked him when she bounced over and into his arms. The nuzzle that came with the show of affection caused his heart to race. (F/N)'s ability to spar with his wit and still be able to turn around and love him like this was a never-ending spout of happiness.

With her (E/C) hues now glued to his, he found his hand running through her hair and then rubbing her cheek softly. What was he supposed to when she went away to college? Sure, he could practice volleyball harder, but he won't be able to see her beautiful face or hold her hands every day anymore. Although her lips were moving and he was certain there were words coming out of her mouth, he was haunted by thoughts of rarely seeing her.

"Yah, Kenji, are you even listening?" she gave him a squeeze before putting her cheek to his chest. "What do you want for dinner?"

"I would say you," she stiffened in his grasp, causing a smirk to grow on his face again. "But I'm actually hungry for some Gyudon." as if to continue his tease, he leant down to nip at her ear. A shudder ran through her body that only caused joy to course through his own.

"We don't have much beef left, but I'll see what I can do." her hand reached for the doorknob. "If there isn't enough, I make a pretty wild omurice."

He laughed before pushing her out of the bedroom. "Everything you make is wild."

(F/N) made him Gyudon; she ended up with the rice omelette. Unlike it bothered her. She knew that Kenji thought he was being subtle with how much he was going to miss her when she left, but every time he looked at her she saw worry and uncertainty in his eyes.

While sitting at the table she couldn't help but stare at him and think. What if while she is away he finds someone better than her? It is a plausible thing to think about. Futakuchi is a handsome and bright guy (she can never forget about how much of a sweetheart he is either). Or maybe he won't be able to handle the stress of a long distance relationship and break up with her. No matter what scenario that plays out in her mind, she only sees heartache in each one.

Thankfully, she isn't alone with these thoughts. (F/N) was pulled out of them by the feeling of chopsticks pressed against her lips. "Whatever you're thinking must be deep. You've had a frown on your face for ten minutes." the metallic utensils moved to pick up some of her food then quickly returned. "Plus, you've hardly eaten your food." soon she had a bite of omurice in her mouth and chewing. "Care to share?"

As quietly as she could, (F/N) pushed her chair closer to his and sighed. It was comforting to put her head on his shoulder and breathe in his cologne. "What do you think will happen once I graduate. I know I have my entire summer to spend with you, I just can't stop thinking about when I leave."

She felt Futakuchi stiffen at the mention of going away to college. He brought another bite of the meal to her lips and exhaled heavily through his nose. "It's only an hour away. I can visit often... You can even come to some of my matches." his voice was hopeful and body relaxing. Maybe it's good that the two of you talk over this.

"Even if I'm not in the crowd I'll watch them on tv or online." her chin took her cheeks place on him before she pecked his cheek.  "I guess we can text all the time too, or use facetime or any social network too." they weren't as hopeless as she was thinking.

Suddenly, she took both his cheeks in her hands and turned him to look at her. In an instant, her lips smashed to his in a happy kiss. Pulling away, she made sure make the 'muah' sound to add emphasis on how happy she was.

Confused by her affection, the male turned to her, "I only mentioned volleyball... We hardly spoke through anything?"

"Aren't you lucky to have a smart girlfriend?" her lips pulled apart to show her pearly whites and her arms wrapped around him tightly. Not comfortable with the arms on there chairs, she moved to straddle him.

"Oh? I think I like where this is going," he mumbled while placing his hands on her hips.

"I don't know if I'll be able to get my speech done today." her fingers slowly moved to run up and down his clothed chest. She had spoken in a seductive whisper, well, a whisper for sure, regardless he was already being driven wild.

"I definitely like where this is going," he mumbled before pulling her lower half closer to his. The grin that came to her showed that she agreed. In mere seconds their lips crashed together. What they were doing wasn't even romantic, and they weren't in her bedroom. It was just their hormones doing its job.

Her fingers were no longer hindered by the fabric of his clothes, they were able to nimbly slink underneath the hem. His hands no longer rested just on her hips either. With each passing moment the kiss grew more intense, so did their hands.

His hands wandered down to her bum and squeezed, earning a hearty moan. When she opened her mouth with that moan, he plunged his tongue in for exploring. She was already putty in his arms at that point, but it didn't stop her from tracing of part of his lean body with her fingers.

She was driven crazy when his hands moved to her thighs, thumbs rubbing circles in the middle; (F/N) certainly picked a good day to wear a skirt. When Kenji felt her hips jab closer to his body her growled and moved away from her lips. He didn't speak, he only moved to her neck.

Finally, his hands brushed her lower lips. Even through her underwear, he could tell she got her sopping wet. "Hmmm, isn't this beautiful." he hummed in her ear before pulling her shirt over her head. Two of his fingers slipped past her panties and inside of her while his other hand pushed up her bra to play with her breast.

"Oh, Kenji." she whined out as his mouth cupped one of her tits. As much as she wanted their activities to continue, it probably wasn't the best choice to do so in the kitchen. When her hand gripped his in an attempt to cut out his movements, it ounly caused him to move harder and faster in her body. "B-babe, please." it was a guilty whimper, but it was making him hornier than he could ever imagine. "To my room."

A gasp of relief left her lips when he finally took his fingers out of her pussy. He brought his hand up to his lips and sucked the juices from his ministrations. "Then upstairs I will take you..." after planting a firm kiss on her lips, he hoisted both of them up.


hahahahahahhaah what did I just do???? lol hope u like it anyways 

i will update soon

i have many ideas rn so yeah 

next one will be for oikawa x alien!reader bc i love aliens and space and so does that nerd

i did not edit this so sorry for mistakes

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