Mac'n'cheese: Yamamoto Taketora

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wassap my b's issya gurl coming out and finally writing.

I'm writing this on my phone and Idk how long it will be but maybe since I'm writing this one i will update other stories too.

Also, illuminati confirmed amiright or amiright???


You could not figure out how a grown college student did not know how to make macaroni and cheese; honestly. It wasn't rocket science, all that you had to do was boil water and noodles. Then again, it would also help if the said pupil kept macaroni and cheese in his apartment (but apparently that was too hard to do).

Which is why you constantly found yourself at the grocery store, spending your money on food for the most annoying human on the planet. Even if there was chemistry between you two, it took a patient person to deal with his energy.

But, because you were such a frequent customer at the chain store (and a poor uni student yourself), you knew exactly how to get the deals.

On Tuesdays the store would get new shipments of fruits and veggies, so you took the opportunity of buying the older ones for considerably cheaper. Then, there were the off brand products; stuff stores sold as their brand with cheesy names like 'best deal' or 'quality queen.' You always saved a couple bucks because of those. The biggest life saver, however, were the coupons; if coupons didn't exist neither would you. They got you through some hard times when you broke up with your ex; Ice cream has never tasted better than when it was bogo.

There were also the times when a certain someone also demanded he not get 'quality queen' mac and cheese, that he deserved only the best.

“You've got the good stuff, right, F/N?” Taketora's voice was easy to distinguish through the receiver. Even if you didn't have his phone number saved, you've only ever known one voice that could stir you up like his.

“I do.” you didn't even have to be near him to know just how happy he was at your words. “But damn, I would do anything to never see another box of 'Jenny's Sea Creatures Cheese Noodles' again.”

“Take that back.” his response was instant; not to mention his voice sounded incredibly offended. “JSCCN bring one of my greatest happinesses to me.”

“Oh yeah, and what's that?” despite the smile that grew on your face, you felt your eyes roll.

“Who could resist the cheesy goodness the noodles bring when you put the first fork full in your mouth? It is the gold of the food world.” of course he would think like that. But if you had really known him, you would have known that he really wanted to say was 'because it brings you to me.'

“Okay Shakespeare, cool it. I'm in the checkout line right now, so that means you'll have your food gold in fourty-five minutes.”

“… Should I start heating the water?” a shocking revelation; so he does know how to start the stove.

“It would make it that much easier to make; so yes, I would be grateful if you did that Tora.”

“Awesomesauce. See you in a bit then. Bye.”

“I'll see you soon.” you bit your bottom lip to tame the small you suddenly sported. When you heard the soft ding confirming that you hung up, you couldn't help but murmuring, “how did I end up loving this dork?”

“What was that?” a voice suddenly said through the phone.

Oh no. “Oh nothing. There's a picture of that one dude in that one kpop group. You know. The one that I like. Oh look, I'm next in line. Gotta go. I love you, bye.” oh no.

Oh no.

After triple checking that the call had ended, you felt embarrassed tears prickle up in your eyes. Not only did you confess over the phone (twice), but you forgot your coupons.

“So uhm hey,” you spoke quickly to the cashier, “Can you maybe just take one of the boxes of JSCCN? I'm only going to be needing the one anyways.” Just as the worker gave you his confirmation, your phone starting buzzing. Seeing that it was Yamamoto, you silenced it.

You took your time getting to his apartment; even made sure you went the longest route to it. By the time you trudged up the stairs of his building you were over an hour late. When you unlocked his door with the key he gave you (for Pete's sake how where so dense to not realise he was in l-o-v-e with you when he gave you that?), you found him sitting on his futon, arms crossed and eyes trained on the clock.

As soon as he heard the first creek of the door opening he bolted up. He was going to say something about how late you were and that he had to turn the water off because he didn't know when you would get there, but he couldn't. He could just stare at you, mouth dry from nervousness.

You on the other hand, could barely muster the courage to turn and face him after shutting the door. After taking one deep breath, you did it. As you did so, you felt confident of one thing: the blush you had now was deeper than any your face has ever known.

Swallowing, Taketora crowded you against the door and tucked your hair behind your ear.

“Did you mean it?” his voice sounded huskier than usual, causing you to (swoon and) stutter when you replied.

“Which-which part?”

He snorted and rolled his eyes. How long has he hidden this serious side from you? “I'm obviously not referring to the Kpop group.” and as if he needed to clarify any further, “nor the noodles.”

Now you had two options. Lie and ruin a friendship. Or tell the truth and ruin a friendship. And you knew the first step of getting over someone was being honest. So you chose honesty.

“Yes.” with another inhale, and your eyes closed, you confessed properly. “I'm not confused as to why I have these feelings, anyone could fall for you. I'm upset that I told you like that.” you opened your eyes to find his hues staring gleefully into yours. “it would have made your rejection much easier?” even as you spoke the words, you questioned them. “You're not rejecting me?”

And the answer was obvious as he pulled you into a hug and twirled you around his cramped entryway. Knowing you, however, he decided to give a property answer.

“Of course not. Who couldn't fall for you?”


Im outtie peace

I hope u like



Lol but really I'm sorry about being so oawful with updating. I prolly won't and up fixing it but maybe this year I'll get better w/it.

if ya gotta request ya can send it but i wont promise a fast update even tho I wish I could

duces yall and hopefully I update elsewhere soon too

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