Talking Walks: Bokuto Koutarou

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What a funny story theirs was. 

He was simple, energetic, and friendly. She was shy, nervous, and intelligent. How they made the best couple was beyond their classmate's beliefs. 

The volleyball ace  was capable of bringing the energy out of his (H/C) haired lover, while she was able to calm him down just a tad. In this way, they were everyone's OTP. Even the girls who hated (F/N) for dating their beloved Bokuto couldn't help but ship them.  

(F/N) didn't really watch his practices that much, but when she did, the striker would always try his hardest to show off his moves. Today was one of those days when she wanted to go. 

Giving him a full water bottle she jumps up and down from excitement, "Wow, Kou, that spike you did was like swoosh and then when it hit the ground it was like splat." her kind words and body movements earned her a huge smile and heroic pose from the ace.

"Ohoho! I do that every time!" his head nodded rapidly as she explained everything. After he calmed down some, he watched her face as she continued to speak. The excitement and awe consuming her facial features was enough to make him swoon. 

"Eh? Kou-chan, are you okay?" her hands waved in front of his face as seemingly irritated Akaashi made his way over. "I think you're in trouble with Akaashi-san." 

"Yah! Bokuto! You have time to be a loverboy after practice. Now we have to be serious!" the younger teen's hand went up to slap the back of (F/N)'s boyfriend's head in a swift, painful motion. Even the girl winced upon impact. 

Practice went on for another hour or so and the female teen simply sat on the bench with her legs swinging back and forth. When her lover would look over to her with a triumphant grin, she would give him a toothless smile and a wave before pointing over to the court in order for him to pay attention to the court.

Finally, it was time for him to walk her home. It was the moment that he had loved the most. She talked nonstop about how her day was and he loved every second. Her voice, in his mind, was as smooth as silk. 

"We got our test results in today, Kou! I aced it!" her voice bubbled up and rose in excitement as her fingers laced with his. It was obvious to anyone around that the female was happier than a kid in the candy shop. 

"Really? Wow I really am dating a super genius." a smile was forced onto his features so her happiness wouldn't dull an ounce. But with the way she knew him,  there was no way she would believe his ruse. 

"You must be tired from practice today. Should I carry your stuff, senpai?" the way her voice was able to fluctuate into a soft, cute one in only a sentence made him shiver.

"N-no!" a blush crept up his cheeks as he tugs at her bag. "It's my job to carry yours!"  

"I don't need you to lug my bag around." she held the book bag tightly to her body as she continued, "Would you like a kiss?"

At the mention of the possible display of affection, his attitude instantly perked up. Whenever they were in public she would always hug him and kiss his cheek; it made him the happiest man in the world. "Hai!"

 The two stopped walking and faced each other. His eyes were closed as an excited smile played on his lips.

Instead of placing her lips on his cheek, they met his own pair of chapped lips. "Cheer up baby!" with a wink the female ran ahead, multiple giggles escaping her body. 

The male had been several feet away standing in a shocked manner. It wasn't everyday he treated him with a kiss in public. "H-hey! Wait for me, (F/N)!" 


yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I finally got this one done. i feel like ive been working on it forever!!!

i hope you guys enjoyed it!




i also like how the title is talking walks instead of taking walks. get it. it's a pun. hahahahahahaahahahahhah.

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