Chapter 16: Happiness

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Heeyyyyy uhhh so I haven't updated in forever, so sorry about that, but I definitely will be updating a lot more because the story should be getting more exciting yay

but uh also thanks for reading this, I didn't think it would get near as many reads as it has now! love you, hope you likeeee    

Chapter 16: 

(Elizabeth's POV)

My life was becoming more and more relaxed. It seemed like the pressure of working at Twist magazine was lessening and lessening, even though I knew full well that it wasn't. I felt like I was enjoying myself more than I'd ever had, not only with Harry but with everyone else I spent time with. It was like the mere thought of him just improved my mood, even if I wasn't even with him.

There was only one thing that kept tugging in the back of my mind that I couldn't let go of, like a giant puzzle piece missing in my life.

I was reminded of that when I flipped through the channels of my TV and landed on 16 and Pregnant. Yet another show that me and one of my best friends, Alex, loved to stay up till midnight making fun of. I smiled at the memory - and then remembered that we weren't exactly on speaking terms right now. The last time we'd spoken was when he had walked out on me, telling me that I had broken his heart for the second time.

I still felt absolutely horrible about what I'd done. Without realizing it, I had become even more of a bitch than Miranda. I had used Alex (who apparently was still bitter about me ending our relationship) to win the heart of another guy, pretending to have feelings for him to make another guy jealous; all the while not even knowing that he was hurting.

I should have thought about what I was doing before involving him in the stupid plan. Alex was one of the best friends I'd ever had, and I decided that I would try my hardest to get him back. Or at least apologize. I wouldn't blame him for not accepting the apology, but at least I'd have tried.

Turning off the TV, I searched up Alex's number on my phone. I typed out a short text.

Meet me at The Corner Coffee in ten. We need to talk.

I was about to hit send, when I reconsidered what I was doing. The last time we spoke he had said some pretty nasty things. Who knew what he'd say this time? I was almost positive that he would turn down my offer to talk. Or he'd stand me up and ditch me.

I texted Emma instead.

Hey Emma, I really need to talk to Alex but I don't think he wants to talk to me. So can you ask him to meet you at The Corner Coffee down the street from my house? Tell him you want to hang out. But don't show up. I'll take care of it from there.

She replied a couple minutes later.

Done. He'll be there in ten. Tell me how it goes.

I took a deep, shaky breath. I pulled on my jacket, slipped on some shoes and made my way out the door. There was no turning back now.


"Tall Caramel Frap?" The barista called out my order and I stood to grab it off the counter. Taking a long sip of the heavenly drink, I made my way back to my table.

I had been at The Corner Coffee for almost fifteen minutes, and Alex still hadn't arrived. It felt odd being here by myself, surrounded by people with more important things to do. People my age had their macbooks and textbooks, probably studying up in preparation for the start of the semester. My stomach dropped, remembering that I'd have to go back to college sooner than later.

There were couples, too, laughing and holding hands across the table. Only a few of them were older than me. I sighed, at first being annoyed - and then I remembered that I had Harry. I smirked to myself, enjoying the fact that One Direction's Harry Styles' girlfriend was sitting near them and they had no idea. That brought me to wonder - how much 'fame' would I earn once people found out that Harry and I had a thing? Would cameras start following me around, like they did with Dani and El? I was certain to get even more hate than I already did. Larry shippers would find some way to pick apart our relationship and call us fake daily. I didn't even want to imagine what kind of nasty nicknames I'd get called every day. Hellizabeth? Elizabitch?

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