Chapter 7: The Plan

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Hello my 1Derful readers! Thanks for getting me to 100 reads. (:

So sorry I haven't updated in like forever, I was in Salt Lake City for like ten days.

Anyway, here's the chapterrrr. It's short and kind of iffy. But whatever.

Chapter 7

"So you're saying, you're going to try and seduce Harry so he falls in love with you, and then breaks up with Caroline?" Emma said skeptically after I told her my plan. I nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep! Come on, it won't be that big of a deal. I'll just be super flirty or whatever and he'll pick up the hints and ditch Caroline for me." I said. We were sitting across from each other on my bed, the door closed so nobody else could hear us.

"Elizabeth? FLIRTY? I don't see it, babe. And what if he doesn't want to ditch Caroline for you?"

I scoffed. "Who WOULDN'T? I mean, Harry's not THAT insane."

"Him being with her in the first place is enough to prove to me that he's pretty insane." She pointed out. "He wouldn't let himself fall for you that easily if he's already with another girl."

I smirked. "I didn't say it was going to be easy. But I did say that I was going to do it, so I'm going to do it." Emma still looked unconvinced. I scooted closer to her. "Look, Ems, I know you think that this may end up in a mess, but trust me, this is for Harry. This is because I care about him, in a sisterly kind of way, and I just can't let him make the wrong decisions. You know, he himself said that he wasn't happy with Caroline, he's just too afraid to say anything about it."

Emma grinned. "Okay, I can't be a party pooper any longer. I'M IN."

"Thanks Ems!" I said, hugging her. "This is important for Harry. I don't know when he'll find the perfect girl or who it's going to be, but I know for a fact that it ISN'T Caroline...And I have to do something about it."

"What isn't Caroline?" Emma and I turned to face the doorway and saw Niall standing there, holding a plate of sandwiches and looking confused.

"Niall, what are you doing?!" Emma exclaimed.

"Well, I was going to offer you guys sandwiches, but then you guys started talking about Caroline and Harry or something..." He started inspecting his feet. "Well, do you want a sandwich?"

"Oh my, is Niall sharing food?" Emma gasped. I shushed her with my hand.

"How much did you hear in our conversation?" I asked suspiciously.

"Just you saying that Caroline isn't the right girl for Harry or something, and you had to do something about it..." He said. I groaned.

"Well now I have to tell you the whole plan. Sit down."

He sat down next to me and I told him the plan. To my surprise, he didn't look that alarmed.

"That's an okay idea." he said. "I mean, someone's gotta get Caroline away from him."

"Thanks, Ni. Promise not to tell Harry or any of the other boys, okay? Or anyone else."

"Yep, promise."


Later that day, Emma and I managed to convince Harry and Niall to stay another night(Liam and Zayn decided to head home after the mall) and then get back to their recording studio the next morning. That would give me a little more time to drop a few hints.

"Okay, I'll make dinner, but only if I have someone else in the kitchen to help me." I said, shooting Emma and Niall a look.

"Um...Harry should go, since he's good at cooking and all." Niall said quickly.

"Yeah. Harry. Go." Emma added, looking nervous. I rolled my eyes at her.

"So you can cook? That's great. I guess you're going to help me then!" I dragged Harry by the arm into the kitchen and then tried my best at a flirty smile, sliding my hand up his arm. God help me and my awkward flirting skills.

"Okay, it's just us two now...let's start." I said. He looked at me, a little weirded out.

"Lizzie, why is your hand still on my arm?" He asked. Crud. What was I supposed to say to that? Think fast, Liz.

"Uh...your arms are so...muscular and smooth..." Wow. Worst Flirter Award goes to Elizabeth Collins, no questions asked.

He flexed his arm, grinning. "Why thank you, I like to think so myself too." He winked at me, then grabbed some macaroni out of the cupboard. Hey, winking was flirting, right? Kind of? I was so new to this 'being seductive' thing.

"Okay, can you boil a pot of water for the macaroni? I'll start some peas." He said, pointing to a pot lying on the counter. I nodded, pouring some water into it and putting it on the stove.

As we prepared dinner we talked, just saying random things and getting to know each other or whatever. It was kind of nice. I found out that Harry was good at cooking and worked in a bakery a few years ago. Sixteen-year-old Harry Styles working in a bakery? I would pay to see that.

We cooked up some salad, macaroni and cheese, and peas, and with each other's help we were done in a matter of minutes.

"DINNER'S READY!" I shouted. Emma and Niall were sitting around the table within seconds, and I set the table. I put the salad into bowls and Harry served the macaroni.

"Mmm, looks really good." said Niall.

"You guys are, like, the PERFECT couple for making dinner. I mean, team. Whichever term you want to use..." Emma said with a smirk. Harry's cheeks turned pink.

"Awww, is Hazza boo blushing?" I pinched his cheek lightly.

He grinned and pushed me away with his elbow.


"So what movie do you guys wanna watch tonight? NO MORE CHEESY CHICK FLICKS." said Emma.

"I vote horror movie." Niall suggested evilly, going through my movies. "Nightmare on Elm Street, let's do this."

I was just about to interject, when I realized - if I agreed to this I could pretend to be scared and then snuggle with Harry. Awww yeah.

"I might get scared..." I said, scooting closer to Harry.

"I'll protect you babe!" He put his arm around me playfully as Emma put in the movie.

As soon as the creepy dude with the messed up face came on screen, I screamed loudly and buried my face in Harry's shoulder. "SOMEONE HOLD ME," I yelled. "MY EYES ARE SCARRED HELP HELP I WILL HAVE NIGHTMARES FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE,"

He put his hand over my eyes. "It's okay, it's just a movie..."

"BOO!" Niall grabbed at me, making scary facial expressions.

"AHHH!" I unleashed my ultimate ninja skills on him and he scrambled away from me.

"Hold her back Harry, hold her back!" Ni yelled, pretending to be terrified. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Freddy Krueger isn't going to kill you in your sleep anytime soon with those mad karate skills of yours," he said in my ear.

"That's true, but you'll always be there to protect me anyway, right?" I murmured back.

"Always." he grinned and patted my head.

Well, if you asked me, I'd say that the plan was working pretty dang well.

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