Chapter 12: Oops, Was That Your Purse?

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TAKE ME HOME THO i think I died and came back to life. srsly. actually i think im dead now. itssobeautifulok

anyways...the chapter. i'll do that now.

Chapter 12

(Elizabeth's POV):

I flipped halfheartedly through the channels on Emma's TV, barely paying any attention to what was playing. She was sitting next to me, scrolling intensely through her Twitter feed, and Alex was on the other side of me, stuffing Doritos in his mouth.

"Did you find anything yet?" I asked Emma, finally switching off the TV.

She groaned and put down her phone. "No. I checked Harry and Miranda 's tweets, their friends' tweets and the boys' tweets but I didn't see anything about their hang out plans...That was so dumb of me to think that they would just directly tweet each other where to meet up. I forgot that life isn't exactly that easy."

"So you don't have any idea where they might be hanging out?"


"Well how are we supposed to ruin Harry and Miranda's 'dates' when we don't even know where they're going to be?"

Before Emma could answer, Alex interrupted. "Whoa whoa. Who said they were dating?"

"Sugarscape. Twitter. Rumors everywhere. Any girl Harry comes close to and BAM there are rumors." Emma said, rolling her eyes. "I'm guessing he's just using her as some sort of fallback girl...Caroline just dumped him and Liz and I just shut him out; I don't blame him for letting a hot and rather slutty girl follow him around and treat him like a god day and night."

It all made sense when Emma explained it. At first I didn't get why a guy like Harry would want a girl like Miranda hanging around him - I guess I was forgetting that he was a typical teenage boy who enjoyed being drooled over by girls; preferably ones that wore skimpy clothes.

"Ugh. He's such an idiot. I hate him so much." I said, throwing a pillow at nobody in particular.

"I know! God, Liz, why did you have to fall in love with Harry freaking Styles, anyways." Emma complained. "I don't even know if this plan is going to work or not anymore."

Alex laughed. "You guys are way too dramatic. Come on. You have to put some work into it if you want anything to happen."

Emma and I shared a confused look, but he continued.

" You want to find out when and where Harry and that Miranda chick are going to be? Fine. All you have to do is think FBI agent." He grabbed Emma's phone. "You said you checked Harry's tweets? Well you didn't look hard enough. See, here he tweeted: 'Thinking about watching Paranormal Activity 4 tonight...not sure if I'll be able to make it through the whole movie'. Then, Miranda tweeted: 'yay! made plans 2 see that new horror movie...wish me luck!!' How much more obvious does it have to be?"

Emma's eyes widened. "Alex, how come you never told us about your amazing stalking skills?"

He just grinned and tapped away at her iPhone. "Hold on, I'm not done yet. Here, see, I looked up movie times for the theater nearest Harry- Parnormal 4 is on at 8:45 tonight, which gives us an hour. I just made your life a whole lot easier, didn't I."

I gave him a quick hug from the side. "Yes, yes you did. Come on guys, we have a date to ruin."


"Slutty. Think slutty." Emma murmured to herself as she flipped through my closet. "Why do you not own anything slutty? Oh my god, Liz, this is NOT good." I rolled my eyes at her, noticing that ever since the plan began again we'd been using the word 'slutty' an awful lot. 

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