Chapter 2: Love At First Sight...Kind Of.

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By the way, the picture used for my book cover is NOT MINE. Credit goes to whoever had it first. (:


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Oh my god, shut up." I grumbled at my alarm clock, slamming my hand blindly on the snooze button. I cracked an eye open to glimpse the time, and groaned. If I didn't get up now, I probably wouldn't be there in time.

Tina had mentioned that the boys would be at their recording studio today, and I planned to catch Harry when he was leaving the place. I put on a light blue crop top and my lace shorts, and curled my hair. I added a few brushes of mascara around my green eyes and a touch of lip gloss, but nothing else. I didn't like piling on makeup and I was too tired to do anything else, anyways.

I grabbed a chocolate bar and stuffed it in my mouth, slinging my camera around my neck. "MOM!" I yelled. "GET IN THE CAR!" I was old enough to drive, but my mom was giving me a ride to the studio on the way to work.

When we pulled up to the building, I was surprised to find that there were already a crowd of other cameramen there. I heard yelling and there were continuous flashes going off. This could only mean one thing - the boys of One Direction were already leaving their studio, and other reporters were getting to them first.

I scrambled out of the car, yelling a quick thank you to my mom and ran towards the commotion, trying to get a glimpse of the boys.

"How do you boys feel about your rise in fame?" "Is it overwhelming for you boys here in LA?" "Harry, tell us about your rumored girlfriend!" I squeezed past the bulky microphones and cameras, trying desperately to figure out where the boys were. I had definitely not expected this many people to show up.

Seeing their black limo pulling up, my heart sank. My time was running out.

I managed to shove my way to the front of the small mass of people and caught sight of the boys.

I admit, they were all lookers. Okay, probably more like Vogue models. My eyes lingered on Harry; his hair lazily done up into a curly quiff and his green eyes were bright, I noticed even from my distance.

I grabbed my camera and started snapping picture after picture. Even if I couldn't talk to them, surely the close-ups I was getting would make up for it.

Just then, a particularly large cameraman slammed into me, knocking my camera out of my hand and sending it skidding across the cement. It stopped right under the car door of the limo, which was now stopped. Of course, that would happen to me. Of COURSE.

I tried not to think about how much it would cost to repair the thing, and dodged some more people until I got to the limo.

I bent down to grab it...right as someone opened the car door. Just my luck. A searing pain shot through my head, right where the car door had hit it.

"Owwwwwww." I wailed, sinking to the ground. "Ow Ow Ow."

"Ahhh, jeez. Did I do that?" I vaguely heard a deep-voiced British accent say. "So sorry..."

"Oh my god Harry, what in heck did you do now?!" Another British accent. I rubbed my head slowly, trying to make sense of the blurry figures towering over me.

"What do I do Liam, I think I gave a paparazzi a concussion."

"Jesus Christ, Harry." This time it was a concerned Irish accent that spoke.

"It's okay, calm down Niall. We have ice in the limo."

"You want me to bring her in with us?!"

"We can't just leave her lying here with a possible head injury, can we? There's nothing wrong with just giving her a ride home."

"WAIT. Is she hot?" A voice that I guessed belonged to Louis said. Harry looked down at me with a smirk.

"She's pretty cute, yeah."

"Bring her in, mate!"

"All right..."

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and place me in the air conditioned vehicle. I was still kind of dizzy, but I could kind of make out the five of them filing into the limo after me and then closing the door. The car started, and I was being driven away by complete strangers.

Well, not COMPLETELY complete strangers. One Direction. Go figure.

"So, um, anyone care to explain why there's a random girl in our limo?" The black-haired one, Zayn, I think, said. I let out a moan while holding my head in my hands. I was thankful that they'd had the heart to take me in-I hadn't really figured out how I was going to get home, and my head was throbbing terribly.

"Harry here just happened to smack her in the head with the car door, and I suggested we give her a ride home. I hope we didn't leave your car back there, dear." Brown hair, sensible...that fit Emma's description of Liam perfectly.

"No, I got a ride here. It's really nice to meet you boys, I'm Elizabeth." I smiled as widely as I could, what with the major headache and all. There was a chorus of hello's from the boys.

None of them bothered to introduce themselves, I guess because they thought I already knew their names. Evidently I'd have to assume that my guesses at their names were right.

"Look, um...I'm really sorry I hit you with the door," Harry said to me with a small smile.

"It's okay, really." I restrained from groaning in pain again. "But some ice would really help..."

"Oh, um...right." Harry grabbed some ice from the minibar and put it in a plastic bag, then pressed it to my forehead. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I think that's all I needed." I took the ice pack from him, and scolded myself for being embarrassed as his fingers barely brushed mine.

"Elizabeth, you might want to tell the driver your address before we pass it." Niall said, glancing up from his iPhone.

"Oh, um...about that..." I said slowly. This was my chance - maybe, if they let me, I could actually have a proper interview with Harry for my Twist article. That would definitely make things a lot easier. "Well, I work for Twist teen magazine, and I was supposed to write an article about Harry, so maybe we could find the time for a really short interview? Just a few questions, I promise." I clasped my hands under my chin and did my best puppy eyes.

The boys exchanged looks, and I could tell they were skeptical. However, Liam nodded to me. "Yeah, I don't see why not. We can take you back to our flat and drive you home later tonight."

I grinned. "Thank you so much!" I said happily, momentarily forgetting about my headache. "I can't wait."

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