Chapter 13: The Interview

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Wow ok, so this chapter ought to be fun. For some reason it reminds me of Bride Wars haha. that was the best movie ever. anyways YEAH here we go

Chapter 13:

(Elizabeth's POV)

I was hit by the best idea ever when I went out to get the mail. 

As you know, I worked for Twist, so obviously I subscribed to the monthly article. There was a new magazine in my mailbox in the morning, and as I stood there, flipping through it nonchalantly, I stopped absentmindedly on an article that read: 'Justin Bieber's New Rumored Girlfriend!' 

I was almost halfway through it when I was struck by my geniusness. If Justin Bieber's rumored girlfriend could get two full pages of fame and attention, I could totally get Tina Donvito, editor-in-chief, to agree to let me do an article on Harry Styles' rumored girlfriend. A.K.A. Miranda. And THAT would be another chance to totally embarass Miranda and Harry, but this time it would be in front of America's teenage population. 

I ran inside the house, grabbed a waffle out of the toaster that my dad must have fixed for me earlier this morning and went up to my room. Sitting cross legged on my bed, I quickly downed the waffle and called Tina. 

"Hey Liz, how are you?" Tina answered on the second ring. 

"Good, good, really good." I said hastily. "Hey, so, I had an idea for our next article." 

"Oh really? Let's hear it," she replied.

"So, as you know, I have my connections with the very popular boyband member Harry Styles." I began.

"Yes, of course."

"Well, I get pretty good updates on his private love life thanks to my 'connections'. I've been seeing him with a specific girl a lot lately, and I think they just might be dating." I could practically feel Tina getting excited on the other line. "If I had just a little time, I could get an interview with her."

"Are you kidding me? Elizabeth, that's great. That just might be our next cover story," she said enthusiastically. "Are you sure you're ready for this? You would be in charge of the whole article. You would do the interview and put it all together. This is big, Liz."

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm definitely ready," I said breathlessly. 

"Great! You can come start on it as soon as possible."

"Is this afternoon okay?"

"Wow, you sound excited. Yes, that's completely fine."

"Thank you so, so much Tina! You're amazing."

"You're welcome, Liz. See you soon."

I hung up and did a dance around my room. This was about to be the worst freaking day of Miranda's perfect little life, and I was excited. 


"Good afternoon, Tina!" I gave Tina a hug as I walked into the Twist publishing office. Emma was right behind me, practically bouncing on her heels. When I had told her the news, she had driven as fast as she could over to my house to give me a high five and a hug.

"Hello there, Elizabeth. I have a dressing room reserved for the Miranda girl for whenever she comes for the interview; it's Suite #23." 

"Thanks so much, Tina." 

Miranda had agreed to the interview in no time flat. Having her face plastered in a magazine with two full pages putting her in the spotlight was a dream come true. What she didn't know was that I was going to be the one interviewing her...and she was NOT going to have a good time, not while I was alive.

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