Chapter 15: Pancakes and Ice Cream Sundaes

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Hey guysss so um I hope you liked the last chapterrrr. Hopefully this chapter will be all cute and stuff. I'll try lol I'm not good at cheesy cute couples okay

Chapter 15: Pancakes and Ice Cream Sundaes

I woke up the next morning wrapped up in the blankets of an unfamiliar bed. Looking around, I saw that I was the only person in the room. Why was I here?

I looked under the sheets in a panic and was relieved to see that at least my dress was still on.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to remember who might have kidnapped me. And then that's when I remembered.

The party was last night. Harry had been there. Alex had ditched me. Emma had ran off with Niall. I had confessed my feelings for Harry and he'd chased after me and told me that he loved me back.

He loved me back. He had said he loved me back.

I was suddenly felt all warm and tingly inside, like my soul was having a bubble bath. Nothing in the world could top that feeling, knowing that Harry Styles was mine, all mine. No more Caroline. No more Miranda. Mine.

Realizing that I was in Harry's temporary flat, I searched through his drawers and pulled out a baggy gray V-neck and some plaid pajama pants. Because that was what cute couples did, right? Wear each others' clothes?

I wasn't very experienced at being in a relationship, as you could see. We weren't even officially dating and I was already trying too hard.

I made my way into the kitchen, remembering a little from the time I first came into his flat, after he'd bumped my head with the car door. It seemed like such a long time ago, but it couldn't have been more than a few months ago. It was crazy, how much my life had changed because of that accident.

I, having read my share of chick lits and maybe even some fanfiction (shhh), expected to see Harry making eggs for the both of us, you know, shirtless. Because that's how it always went in the stories I'd read. And then I'd wrap my arms around his waist and he'd turn around and give me a kiss on the cheek and be all like, "Good morning, love," or whatever.

Reality check: Harry was sitting on the kitchen counter, stuffing his face with Lucky Charms, fully clothed. Darn.

"Hey, Liz." Once he saw me, he jumped off of the counter and wrapped me in a hug, smelling like the marshmellows in the cereal he'd been eating. Somehow this was almost as satisfying as what I'd been imagining. "I didn't want to wake you."

I grabbed some pancake mix out of the cabinet. "Yeah, thanks."

"Have a good sleep?" He asked.

I shrugged, mixing the batter in a large bowl. "Yeah, I guess."

He joined me by the counter, popping more cereal into his mouth. "You were dead tired last night; did you have any drinks?" He asked with a chuckle.

"You know I don't drink." I sighed. "Oh, and thanks for leaving my dress on. I thought you'd have changed me into some pajamas, being the perv that you are."

His cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Come on, Liz, I'm not that desperate,"

I smirked. "But you are that cheeky..."

Harry flicked a few drops of pancake batter onto me, fake pouting.

I raised an eyebrow, taking that as a challenge. I dipped a spoon into the bowl of pancake batter and raised it defensively.

Harry backed up against the counter, his hands raised. "Please, no, I didn't mean it...I surrend-"

I hurled the batter dripping spoon at his chest, and soon the doughy substance had splattered onto his shirt and dripped onto his pants.

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