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I have a problem.

I have multiple problems, in fact. I just started middle school and the first week was so freaking crazy I almost died. Seriously. The stupid WEB Leaders kept locking my locker that won't unlock, I had so many freaking binders I wanted to scream. And I got 6 syllabi all in one day. And the entire time I was like, "I WANNA GO BACK TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL." But no. I had to stay in the stupid school to do stupid work with my stupid classmates. Ugh.

My next problem is this: dirty minds. I have the dirtiest mind. Ever. Anything anyone says or does my stupid mind will find some way to morph it into something that should never be said. You can ask all of my friends, they agree with me too. And if you comment, "I bet my mind is dirtier than yours," I highly doubt it. I only have two friends who have an almost-as-dirty-as-mine mind, and even they aren't even close. Whenever someone says anything, I'm always saying, "Make it stahp!" over and over again. Even if it's not dirty to any of my other friends, it will be to me.

And to add even more stress to my life, there's Showstoppers. Showstoppers is a musical theater group that I'm in. I literally have to memorize 4 freaking songs. 4. I would be totally fine with it if it wasn't for the fact that there were quadruple the amount that I had originally thought. We are doing the musical Beauty and the Beast for our play this year, and I need to memorize a song for auditions, plus memorizing 2 others to "advertise" the play. What's the fourth song, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Last year, Showstoppers had a dance called "La Jazz Hot." They had solos. This year, we are doing that same dance again, except this time, the people who had the solos left and aren't with Showstoppers anymore. So, people can audition to take their place. In order to do so, they need to memorize the song.

Plus, I have the stress of resisting. I have recently got into the TV series Once Upon a Time. Now, that show is addictive. I'm watching it on Netflix, and Netflix doesn't have Season 4 on it yet. It only has seasons 1-3. It doesn't have the few episodes they've already made of Season 5, either. I have finished Season 1. I am currently resisting watching Season 2 right now, because I know that once I start, I will never stop. And I need something to do with my life after I finish the series, thank you very much.

Well, that's all I'm going to tell you about my problems. I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear about my problems. I just needed to let off some steam. Oh, and in case you want to know what a WEB Leader is, WEB is a program my school has that basically lets the eighth graders help the sixth graders. WEB stands for Where Everyone Belongs. So yeah, that's what a WEB is if you were wondering. Thanks for listening, I mean reading. Bye!

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