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NOTE: this isn't going to be a funny chapter like most of them are. I just needed to get this off my chest, so I apologize if you don't want to hear this. Go ahead and skip it if you want

Everyone's always saying how they want to be smart. They say they want to be able to figure out a complicated math problem in their head in less than an instant. Well, being smart isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I am probably one of the smartest kids in my grade, and I'll tell you, it's not easy. In fact, I wish I could be not smart. Why, you ask? People's expectations of you are way higher. They're so used to you knowing everything that when you don't, it's a huge deal. I mean, just because I'm practically a genius (in their eyes) doesn't mean I'm not human.

Everyone makes mistakes. But when you're "perfect", you can't. If you make a mistake, even if it's a tiny one, it's like you suddenly transformed into a blob-fish. They all stare at you and laugh. Meanwhile, you're sitting there, trying not to cry, mentally slapping yourself for getting it wrong or hitting the wrong note. When they finally calm down, you have to get the next one right or you're going to be the laughingstock of the neighborhood (theoretically).

And I can't dumb myself down, as people call it. People already know I'm smart. I've been the smartest person in my grade since I was 7. It's just really frustrating. Even if you aren't like me, I'm sure you can relate to this. Let's say you were playing a game of Battle Ball (people throw balls at each other and try to knock down pins). There's only one pin left on your side, and you're guarding it. The pin gets knocked down, and then everyone hates you because you cost them the game.

Ok, I'm done. I just needed to get this off my chest. I don't really have anyone to talk to that can relate, so I just decided to rant. Bye.

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