This weekend, I went camping! Yay! It was a Girl Scout camp, and 5 of the girls from our troop went, including me.
Ok, so today was my first day of camp. I'm leaving tomorrow, so today was basically my only day of camp. We were at the paddle boarding section, and there were two lifeguards: a boy and a girl. First, I started calling them Mr. and Mrs. Lifeguard. Then, I said, "I can't keep calling you Mr. and Mrs. Lifeguard. What are your names?" I was closer to the girl. Her name was Maggie. While the boy was telling me his name, I couldn't hear him. I thought he was saying Keo. As I got closer, I realized he was saying Theo. From then on, I nicknamed him Cheeto, and I've never called him his real name since. So, if you're reading this Cheeto, you know who you are.
Also, during lunch, Cheeto was with his lady friends. All of my friends and I said at the top of our lungs, "HI CHEETO!" We were waving like maniacs. I'm pretty sure we embarrassed him. Ha.
So, I nicknamed pretty much every single one of my councilors. I don't know all of their real names, but I'll try and put the ones that I do. Here are their nicknames:
1. Cheeto/Mr. Lifeguard (Theo)
2. Mango/Muffin/Mrs. Lifeguard (Maggie)
3. Bill Weasley/Turkish Delight/Turd/Turddish Delight/Edward (Turk)
4. Ron Weasley (don't know his real name)
5. Luna Lovegood (don't know her real name either)
6. Captain Carrot (Kaylee)
So, those are all of our friends' nicknames. I'm sad because Mr. and Mrs. Lifeguard can't be together. Mango is 17 and Cheeto is 15. That would be pretty weird. I came up with the nicknames for most if the councilors, but my friends helped me a bit. You know, really the only one they helped me with was Captain Carrot. She likes carrots.
Anyway, Captain Carrot drove our boat on which we would bunbust. Now, if you don't know what that is, bunbusting is basically tubing. When it was my turn, I went with my friend Jessica (she has a Wattpad I think but I can't remember what it is). The tube thingy tilted, and all her weight fell against me, pushing me off. The boat circled back around to pick me back up (no they weren't going to leave me there). They said I could get back on the tube. So, I did. Except the tube didn't seem to like me. I'm a very slow swimmer, especially while wearing a life jacket. Whenever I got close to the tube, it would just float farther away. This continued until I basically wanted to kill everything. Finally, it let me on.
The same scenario occurred again, and I fell off a second time. When I got on, Captain Carrot really wanted to grow Jessica off. She made the tube thingy go everywhere. I'm telling you, it took every ounce of my willpower to not let go of the stupid handles. Now, writing this a day later, my arms hurt like heck. If I felt myself falling off, I would hang on for dear life until the right moment. Then, I would use the water of Lake Allatoona (I think that's how you spell it) to push my body back on the circular flotation device. This continued for, about maybe another 5 minutes (it felt more like an hour; I was really getting tired). Captain Carrot never did manage to throw Jessica off, today I'm wishing that I had just shoved her.
About half an hour later, we still had time to go again. This time, I went with my buddy Lauren. I didn't fall off that round, at least until the very end. Captain Carrot had stopped the boat, and they were pulling us in, when I felt Lauren's weight pushing against me as hard as she could. I was like, "Oh no, you don't." I literally tried really hard to feel ,yield on the tube. When I gave up, I said, "If I'm going down, you're coming with me!" I wrapped my arm around Lauren's waist and let go. We both fell into the lake. Lauren kind of had a bit of trouble getting back onto the tube, but I didn't care.
Well, those were my camping adventures. I would keep typing away, but this list could go on forever. Bye!