boy troubles

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now that i was a somewhat well known singer, i started getting much more attention, from everyone. in the weeks following my breakout tour, i started getting fanmail, and people began noticing me on the streets and in public. guys escpecially began paying much more attention to me.

i was at the grocery store, in line, checking out some items for me and adam.

"hey! youre the singer that was on tour with adam!" a blonde boy of about 18, with beautiful blue eyes and hair that fell perfectly on his head said.

"yea haha did you go to my show?" i asked, awkwardly continuing the conversation, not really paying attention to his words, but his eyes.

"oh yea i was there in san diego"

that was our last show of the tour.

"cool" i said, ready to leave but not wanting to end the conversation.

"wanna go to starbucks next door? id love to talk to you."

thinking he was just an admirer who wasnt that interested in me, i agreed and we ordered and sat down with our drinks.

"so how did you get started in music?"

"well my boyfriend- adam" i started

"hes...your boyfriend??" he asked startled.

"well yea... its kind of secret."

"oh..." he looked hurt. "im sorry i didnt know..i can go."

i was suprised he seemed hurt at the fact i was dating someone.

"no stay, we can still be friends, right?"

"yea i guess."

we spent the next half an hour talking, and as i got up to leave he gave me his phone number.

"maybe we can meet up again sometime?"

"yea sure!"

i wasnt sure why i was agreeing to see him again...but there was something about him...

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