Going to LA

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The lady at the counter calls for the first class people to stand up and get in a line. Adam stands and Jess and I look at each other, suprised. We shouldn't be, he is Adam Levine after all.

We board the plane and sit in the first class section, Adam on the aisle, Jess at the window, and me in the middle.

The waitress comes and asks us if we want a drink. Adam takes tequila. Jess and I have ginger ale.

As we ascend into the clouds, Adam becomes drowsy. He cuddles up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. He looks up and mumbles something about waking him up when we land. I kiss his forehead and he dozes off.

I must have fallen asleep too, because I wake up as the pilot announces we are about to land. I gently shake Adam to wake him up.

"...what?..." he says groggily.

"We're landing right now," I say.

"Oh, cool," he says happily. He sits up and gets ready to depart.

We leave the airport as soon as we can, and a limo is waiting outside to pick us up.

I didn't expect anything this fancy.

We climb in and drive to...I don't know where.

We step out of the limo at a huge house that looks like it cost a billion dollars.

"Welcome to my house," Adam says.

Jess and I don't even reply to him. We are full of awe and he laughs understandingly.

He leads me inside and we find the boys in the living room watching television.

Jesse turns off the power when he sees us arrive and rushes over to Jess and hugs her.

"I missed you, beautiful," Jesse says.

Jess giggles. "I missed you too-"

"Jesus, you saw her two days ago. Calm down," Adam cuts in jokingly.

Jesse blushes and leads Jess to the couch, where she sits on his lap.

"Want to come see the house?" Adam asks me.

I'd love to see your bedroom...

"Sure," I reply.

He leads me all around the house, showing me the music room, the kitchen, the guest rooms where Jess and I will stay, the office, and the game room, until finally he gets to his bedroom. I step in and it is nothing like I expected.

His large bed is in the middle, and the entire right wall is a window with a fantastic view of the ocean. There's a TV, and a few lounge chairs. A walk in closet is on the left side, and a bathroom made completely of marble tops it off.

"No mini bar?" I joke.

"That's downstairs," he replies.

Of course.

"So...what now?" he asks.

How about I ride big papa for the next 5 years straight?

"Uhmm...I don't know," I lie nervously.

"Come to bed with me," Adam demands.

I know it's wrong since I have just met him, but he's so damn irresistable.

I'm about to join him when he stops me. "Without clothes, silly."

I look at him and he's already almost naked, only wearing boxers. I roll my eyes at him and strip to my underwear and get under the covers with him.

He runs his hand up my thigh, and I feel myself getting hot.

"Adam..." I moan.


He runs his hands over my entire body, and I never want the feeling to go away.

"If you're staying here for a week and a half we need to get you on some birth control, you know," Adam says softly.

I nod in agreement.

I can't wait to have sex with him. He's all I want.

"I'll go to the store later," he says.

"What will we do now?" I ask.

"Want to take a nap with me?" he smiles.

I agree and cuddle up with him, and fall asleep looking into his beautiful eyes.

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