la again

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after the tour ended, i was much more popular than before. adam had even talked to me about signing me to his own record label! i didnt know whether or not i wanted to be a superstar yet, so i didnt sign with him. i didnt want to be in a contract with my boyfriend anyways.

was adam my boyfriend? we never made anything official.. but he sure acted like it.

"hey adam..."

"yea babe?" he said. we were cuddling in bed on our first night home from the tour. we had gone swimming in his pool earlier, and then he had taken me to a fancy dinner downtown.

"are we dating?"

"yea of course we are? why?"

i was relieved.

"i dont know we just never made anything official so"

"oh. yea babe im your boyfriend. that is... if you want me to be."

"of course! i love you." i said, happier than ever.

he pulled me close, and whispered into my ear. "i love you beautiful"

i closed my eyes and cuddled into adam, and soon i drifted into a deep sleep...dreaming of alternate realities.

i woke up to adams gentle shake at 7 am.

"cmon babe lets go!"

"where?" i asked sleepily.

"i have something to show you"


"wear a swimsuit!"

i got up, put on my favorite bikini, a black and red one. i slipped on some shorts and a tank top, put on flip flops, and went downstairs where adam was waiting in the kitchen.

"i have breakfast ready"

adam had a plate of waffles and berries and all sorts of things set out for me.

"thanks" i said smiling. i dug in hungrily.

after i finished, we went to my car and adam began driving down the coast.

"where are we going??"

"youll see"

after about 20 minutes, he took an exit and we pulled onto a dirt road. i looked out the window as we continued down the road, and we ended up in a secluded lagoon beach. it was the most beautiful beach i had ever seen, and there was no one around except us.

"cmon!" adam yelled, stripping off his shirt and running to the water.

i took off my clothes and raced after him, and we went swimming in the dark blue water. it was extremely relaxing.

after we swam, it was lunch time and he pulled out a picnic basket and we had lunch on the beach, while talking about our lives, especially my life before meeting adam. our conversation went for hours, and before we knew it, the sun was setting, and the lagoon was lit up with an array of colors of yellows reds and oranges. it was a beautiful sight, and we sat there, holding hands, watching the sun go down.

every time i thought i could never have a better day with adam, he found something that made the next day even better. i knew before that i loved him, but now i was aware that i was falling in love with him, completely.

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