Leap of Faith

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Chapter 19: Leap of Faith

Darcy's P.O.V. 

"Let go of me!" I shouted at the kidnapper. 

"Haha! Guess who, Darcy?" a smooth voice replied, ohh. He's not a kidnapper, it's just sweet Zayn.

"Come one Zayn, I know its you," I teased. So he pulled out his hands and sat beside me. 

"Surprise, surprise! Look what I got!" he handed me a.. uhmm. A RAINBOW FLAVORED COTTON CANDY, MY FAVORITE! 

"Awww! ITS MY FAVORITE, ZAYN! HOW'D YOU KNOW?" I gave him a quick hug and started eating, gahhh I am such a happy kid oh wait teenager hehe. 

"Nahh, it was just a good guess," he smiled as he started eating his blue flavored cotton candy, "Oh and Darcy uhmmm.. I know it's nothing much but Happy Birthday!" 

He handed me a small silver box wrapped around was a velvet red ribbon. "What's this?" I asked. 

"My birthday present to you," he smiled, "Open it!" 

So I untangled the ribbon and opened the box to find a vintage microphone necklace, that really matched my outfit today. I smiled and got teary eyed. 

"Darce, are you crying?" Zayn sounded alarmed.

"Haha no silly! It's just that it's beautiful, thanks Zayn. It's a wonderful gift," I quickly told him. 

"Nahh, you're beautiful," he replied, "you're very welcome! Want me to help you wear it?" 

I smiled and nodded, Zayn's just a sweet gentleman. So he got the necklace and I put my hair up and he helped me wear it on my neck. 

"Thank you Zayn. Thanks a lot," I said after he locked it.

"It looks good on you," he complimented, "it matches your clothes--" 

"Darcy! Darcy! Darcy!" Louis screamed out of nowhere, "Help us convince Harry to ride the last roller coaster!" 

"Okay! Okay! I'll try okay. But if Harry doesn't want to ride Lou, give him a break. You know Haz really doesn't like roller coasters," I chided. 

"But you'll still try right?" Lou pleaded with those cute puppy eyes.

"Of course, I'll try! But remember what I said," I told him before I stood up and took off to find Harry.

It wasn't long before I found him. He was there in the nearest taco stand, eating his 6th or 7th taco of the day. Seriously what's with him and tacos? haha, maybe that's what he think with my addiction with cotton candy or rather candy floss.

When he saw me, he instantly said "If you're going to persuade me to ride on another roller coaster, Darcy Brooks I am sorry. But I will  not ride another roller coaster for today. I am done. The Saw was just crazy! and all the others just made me dizzy. I've had enough, so please. Just go on with the others and ride The Swarm so we could go home. Its just an hour left until our curfew to remind you."

"Awww Haz," I started, "if you really don't wanna ride anymore, it's fine. I don't want to force you into anything."  

"Really Darce?" his face lit up, "You're not like the other lads who would do anything to get my butt on another roller coaster! Thanks so much Dj!" He stood up and gave me a quick hug.

I hugged him back and just smiled. I still can't cope with the feeling that he's really back in my life now. 

"Go on now, Dj!" he told me, "Run along and tell the others I'll just be here waiting for you to come back."

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