Like a Ninja

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Chapter 21: Like a Ninja 

Gavin's P.O.V.

It was still early in the morning, around 6 am.

I didn't get to have some sleep at all. I've been up all night contacting the rescuers, the American Red Cross, the American Coastguards, the airline company and Nando's. I needed Nando's okay? I get hungry too, okay? For heaven's sake I'm related to Darcy! My sister's always on the hunt for food.

Anyways, there's no good news to tell. Dad's still somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean I suppose. He's stranded there and we don't even know if he's still alive.

I paced around the kitchen counter, thinking on what to do next. The Americans told me that they'd do their best in continuing the search. But when I called them, the receiver was munching donuts and I could barely understand anything he's saying.

The house was still and quiet. Mum's still passed out on the red La-z-Boy Dad got her last Christmas. She's the most stressed of all of us and she hasn't been eating properly for days. I'm really worried for her. I took out a duvet from the closet near the stairs and placed it over her shivering body. Stay strong, Mum.

I think it was time to go upstairs and check on the girls. I checked up on Alex first, I found her fast asleep on her pile of beanbags. Surrounding her was her army of stuffed toys, from animals to dolls to her favorite cartoon characters.

Her little princess room for the first time was a real mess, pillows scattered everywhere and her Barbie dolls were not in their doll houses.

Poor Lex, the pressure got into her too. I stroked her back and finally carried her up to her bed. I put her safe under the covers and placed some of her stuffed toys with her. I sat beside her for a while, staring at her as her breaths steady. I kissed her forehead and headed for the door.

"Gavin," I heard her little voice say, "they'll find Daddy right?"

I smiled at her and managed to say "Of course they will, now go back to sleep Lex. You need it."

"You need it too.." she said before falling asleep again.

I closed the door to Alex's fairy tale themed bedroom and headed to Darce's room. Weirdly, her door was wide open.

I knocked on the door, "Hey, you okay Darce? I know it was a lot to take in. I'm really sorry we didn't tell you sooner.. But Darcy it was a shock for us too, okay? Don't be mad at Mum. She's already going through a lot..."

That's when I stopped talking. The windows were open. Her walk in closet was a mess. I ran to her bed and took out the blanket..

She's gone.

I immediately ran out of her room and went to the terrace. That's when I saw her. She was wearing Dad's grey hoodie and some black leggings plus her favorite boots and her hair was a mess! But that didn't stop her from walking away. Behind her, she was hauling her dark blue Gucci luggage and on one shoulder was her striking red duffel and on the other was her Forever 21 sling bag. Where the hell is she going?

"Darcy Jane Brooks! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?" I shouted at her before running after her.

Her instinct was to continue running away from me, but hey I can run. Darcy's not the only one who plays soccer.

I caught up to her just before she crossed the street, our front lawn's a bit huge. I grabbed her by the shoulder so she wouldn't walk away. "Answer me! Where are you going?" I asked.

As I turned her to face me, I was shocked. Her eyes were so puffy from crying and she has the expression where in you just had to hug her. So I did.

"Calm down, Darce. Everything's going to be okay," I soothed her and hugged her more tightly.

That's when she started crying again and I patted her back and became a good older brother. When I released her, I wiped her tears and asked her again "Where are you going, young lady?"

She cracked a smile and said, "You sound like my mother."

I put my hands on my hips, attempting to make her smile, "Well, I am your mother!" I mimicked Mum's high-pitched angry voice. That's when she started laughing.

"Stop it! Don't make me laugh!" she said in between laughs while punching my arm.

"You better go back in, young lady!" I continued mimicking Mum's voice, "or else I'll call the police!"

"Mum doesn't call the police!" she stated and finally the smile is back on her face, "Gavin, I'm serious now. I have to go."

"Where are you going?" still in my Mum voice.

"Stop it with the lady voice!" she laughed harder, "You're sounding gay already! Act like my big brother!"

I put my arm over her shoulder, "Okay, okay! Haha, so tell me where's my little sister going? It looks like you're going away for a long time. Mum wouldn't like that."

She sighed and looked at me straight in the eye, "Gavin, I can't take the pressure here. I need to be alone. I love Mum and Alex and you but I just can't see all of us breaking down like this. I left a letter beside Mum and kissed her on the cheek. She'll understand. Just tell Alex I love her okay? And that she can play dress up in my walk in closet. I'll be back before school starts."

"Before school starts? Where do you plan on going? Don't tell me you're going with that band," I scoffed.

She hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "I'm going with them. Mum trusts Harry. It's just for the summer. I'll be back. I promise."

I held her shoulders and said what an older brother should have said, "Take good care of yourself okay? Eat properly and don't get sick. You deserve a break too Darce, you've been working hard all year. Don't forget to ring us everyday okay? I'm pretty sure Alex will miss you a lot. Lastly, if anything bad happens to you.. I'll kick their asses."

She let off a laugh, "I love you too, Gavin!"

"You want me to give you a ride to their hotel? You know where it is right?" I asked.

"Yup! Awww thanks big brother!" she ruffled my already messy hair.

"Come on little girl, I better be back before Alex shouts for breakfast!" I winked at her as we loaded her stuff in my sleek silver Mercedes, which I call Mer.

Darcy's P.O.V.

Yes after all the drama last night, I finally decided to join the lads.

How did I come to a decision like that? I don't know.

All I know is that I needed to get away from this place and get my mind out of this crappy life. I woke up at around 5, early right? I got out of bed and washed my face, I knew I had to go somewhere. The lads' voices keep echoing in my mind. I will go. I will go touring with them!

So I got my Gucci travel luggage and stuffed as much clothes, undergarments, shoes and other necessities that I needed inside. In my duffel, I shoved more clothes and the little things that reminded me of home. My family album's one, the polaroid pictures of Emma, Bella and I since I moved here, the tiger stuffed toy Alex gave me, some scarfs my Mum gave me then finally my DSLR camera along with other sentimental stuff.

I quickly wrote a heart felt letter to my Mum explaining everything I was about to do and promised that I would behave like a lady and I won't forget my manners and everything else she taught me. I also told her that I love her and my siblings so much and that they should stay strong. Okay that was going to ultra cheesy so I sealed it.

I also shoved in my passport and some of my favorite books in my sling bag then I put on my favorite boots. I trudged down the hallway trying to make as less sound as possible.

I spotted Gavin walk into Alex's room, whew I got to make a run for it. Please let my ninja skills pull this through. I quickly went down the stairs, along with all the luggage I have with me. I placed the letter on the table beside my Mum and kissed her goodbye on the cheek.

As I went out the front door, I quickly changed from stealth mode to run-as-fast-like-a-hungry-Niall-is-chasing-after-you mode. Well a few minutes after Gavin spotted me and well, I concluded that I'm not good at sneaking out. I am such an awkward ninja.

We had a sibling heart to heart talk. Then it ended up with him allowing me to go. Weird isn't it? As Gavin started Mer's engine, we were off. He really loves his car and I don't know why. He has this weird attachment to it, erm sorry I mean her.

Thank God, Gavin understood me. I thought he would drag me back to the house but no. He's here, driving me to where I want to go. I smiled at him, he's really a great brother. I kept on saying thank you until he got tired of it and turned up the radio to shut me up. Yes, that's how he shows his appreciation.

It was a 15 minute drive from our house to their super posh hotel. We've been to posh hotels but this one's like really really over the top brilliant.

Gavin kissed me on the forehead before I stepped out of Mer. Damn. I have bellboys swarming around me to get my luggage. Some hotel women were offering me fruit juices and hot towels.

"Take care of yourself, okay? Don't get into trouble without me," he winked.

"I won't! Take care of Mum and Alex!" I called out, "I promise to call everyday!"

"Make sure you call!" he said over the roar of Mer's engine.

I smiled at Gavin and he smiled back before driving off.

Now, the attention was back at me. I went inside the hotel lobby and wow it's huge and fabulous. There were golden chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. There were marble pillars and a long red carpet. The furniture was so modern and grand. The whole hotel interior was just so breathtaking. It took me a few minutes before I got my mind away from daydream.

"Uhm, excuse me miss, are you going to check in?" a thick British accent interrupted my thoughts.

"Ohh no! I'm looking for the room of the One Direction lads, you know Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam?" I asked politely.

Before he could answer someone charged into my direction, "Darcy! Ohmy darling, I'm so glad to see you!" I was greeted by the smiling face of Lou Teasdale, the lads' hairdresser, "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"I finally decided to go with the lads on tour," I cheerfully replied.

"Well, that's great!" she beamed, pinching my cheeks. "I'll take you to their room then, come on! They'd be more than happy to see you!"

I smiled again at Lou, she was really so nice to me. "Thanks Lou! I'll be right behind you!"

With that she led me through the massive pillars and towards the lift. We didn't have to wait at all and as we got in she pressed the Penthouse button. Wow.

As we got off, she offered to take my things to her room and I was kinda guilty for letting her to but I was so tired and damn it was just around 7:30 in the morning. As Lou walked to the room next to the lads' room, I hand brushed my hair and took deep breaths. I put a cheeky smile on my face and adjusted Dad's hoodie.

Everything's going to be okay. I kept repeating in my head. I closed my eyes for a second then finally I knocked.


Hello hello my lovely readers :)) yuhp yuhp I finally update again! haha I like this chapter very much, I really enjoyed writing it! And now I hope you'll enjoy reading it! Things will really get more exciting after this! I promise! Happy reading!! Send me feedback okay? Love youu xx 

- Ela xoxo 

P.S. I really would like to thanks @Supersox for inspiring me write this fanfic! I love her sooo much! She gave so much inspiration that I had the heart to write fanfics again :) 

Please check out her story-- Unexpected :) It's the very first fanfic I read that got me into Wattpad and I swear it's amazing. 

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