Trip to Nando's

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Chapter 22: Trip to Nando's

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry.." a thick British accent almost woke me up.

"Mmmhmm.." I managed to reply.

"Harry.. Harry!" it was getting louder now and the figure was shaking me.

"Stop it.. Mum.." I mumbled.

"Harry Edward Styles! I am not your mother!" the sassy voice retorted, much louder now.

I covered my head with the nearest pillow I could snatch and tried to get back to sleep.

But unfortunately, Louis had other plans.

He snatched the pillow from my head and started hitting it on me. That's not a way to treat Harry Styles, I thought, especially when he's supposed to be sleeping.

I rubbed my eyes and sat down on the bed while Lou was still hitting me and screaming repeatedly, "I'm not your mother!"

"Okay Mum!" I snapped, "What do you want?"

Lou was furious and he slapped me with the pillow so hard that I fell of the bed, with my face making first contact with the floor. What the heck, Lou?

Now I was awake.

I quickly stood up and charged towards Louis, who was unaware because he had been laughing hysterically at me while I fell off the California King bed. Revenge is sweet.

"LOUIS!" I shouted at his face, while pinning him down, "Why the hell did you wake me up? It's 7:30 in the morning! Who the hell wakes up that early?"

"Shhh!" Lou pleaded, "You'll wake up Zayn!"

Haha. Everyone knows it'll be hell in this suite if Zayn would wake up like this and Lou's the most scared of us all.

"I'll keep shouting if you don't tell me why you woke me up!" I smirked.

"Someone knocked," he whispered, "I think you should get it."

With that, he shoved me away and went back to sleep.

I got up from the bed and went out of the room. I walked pass Zayn's room to check on if he's still sleeping and good thing he was. That was close, I thought and took a deep breath before nearing the door.

The door knocked several more times before I reached it. When I opened it, I saw her, Darcy. She looked awful, though of course I didn't tell her that. She looks broken and the way her usual vibrant eyes looked so pale and puffy now. Her hair was messy but she's still MY Darcy. I looked into her eyes and she spoke up, "Harry. Edward. Styles. Why the heck aren't you wearing a shirt?"

I instantly looked at myself and I realized I was only wearing boxer shorts. Damn. "Why? Is that a problem?" I replied, trying to sound cocky.

She smiled and for a moment I can see the old twinkle in her eyes, "Nahh, you're mine anyways."

She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her even more tightly. Then I remembered her face last night.

"Darce, you wanna come inside? I think it's about time you'd tell me why you've been crying and why you're suddenly here, 7:30 in the morning?" I smiled at her, but still holding her by the waist.

She nodded and I knew she was trying not to cry. I laced my fingers around hers and pulled her inside before shutting the door.

"You want something to eat, love?" I asked.

"No thanks Haz, I'm currently not in the mood to eat anything.." she replied. "So we're on nickname terms now?"

I chuckled, "That's only if you want it babe," I winked at her.

She laughed too and smiled, "Love's fine with me."

"Okay love, then where do you want us to talk?" I smiled back at her.

"Maybe in your room or something? It's something private, Harry," she said before jumping for the couch, "And also love, as much as I like drooling over your 6-pack abs, please get a shirt on," she laughed and stood up to tickle my abs.

"Okay.. okay, now come on, sleepyhead!" I took her hand, "Just be quiet, the other lads aren't awake yet."

"I can see that," she replied sarcastically.

I lead her up to the room Louis and I shared and grabbed the first shirt I could find. I put it on and screamed at Lou's ear.

But he didn't even move a muscle. Damn you Lou.

I rushed outside and took Darcy to the vacant room next to ours. She went in first and I followed after her as I closed the door.

She sat down and had her back rested on the newly stacked hotel pillows and I sat down next to her, scooping her into my arms.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I felt like I was her whole world.

Darcy's P.O.V.

Seeing Harry without a shirt on was probably the hottest thing I have ever seen in my whole life. His abs were like "ohmygod that is something so wonderful I just have to poke it to see if its real". But wait! Focus, Darcy! This is not why you're here!

I snapped back to reality and turned to Harry, "My dad's probably gone."

"What do you mean, Darce?" he asked in a low voice, "He went to America, remember?"

"That's not what I meant," I bluntly replied.

"Then what is it?" he took my hands into his and gave a gentle squeeze to reassure me.

I looked at Harry but I saw someone different, someone stronger and braver then I am. Someone who is willing to do anything to make me smile. Someone who is determined and daring to do things for the people he loves and now I'm one of them.

I ruffled his curly brown locks and finally I let myself break down because I know Harry's someone I can lean on.

I told him everything or mumbled between sobs everything to him because I couldn't take it anymore.

I cried on his shoulder until my eyes were red and puffy again. I kept on screaming and shouting and complaining about how stupid my dad's trip to America was. Then I started throwing pillows around the room. But Harry didn't get mad, he just pulled me into a hug and tried to stop my tantrum. I cried like a child when the last piece of candy was gone. I was a mess. Literally a mess.

But thank God, Harry was there. He let me cry on his shoulder even if it made his shirt all wet. Damn that was so embarrassing. He kept patting my back too and soothing me and telling me that everything's going to turn out okay. I curled up like a ball and Harry, my Harry, was there for me through it all.

He didn't make fun of me when snot was all over my face, he got tissue and wiped it off. He didn't scold me that i was acting childish, he comforted me and helped me calm down. This makes me fall in love with him all the more.

"Darcy, calm down. Everything's going to be okay. I promise you that. Don't worry, I'm just here for you, okay?" he smiled at me. "Now stop throwing pillows or else..."

But Harry didn't get to finish his sentence.

The door burst open and in came an angry Zayn and following him were Niall, Liam and Louis. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAP-" then Zayn stopped shouting when he saw me. Quick as a blink he didn't look mad anymore, more like the alarmed and concerned brother face, "Darcy, are you okay?"

"Darcy! Darcy! DARCY!!" Louis started screaming, "Did Harry made you cry?"

"Hey Darce, don't cry. We're here for you," Niall ran to my other side and comforted me.

"We heard screaming and wailing and stuff being turned over down the hall," Liam started explaining, "What happened, Harry?"

By this time, the lads all crowded around me but I was still in Harry's arms, safe in his arms.

"Is it okay for me to tell them, Darce?" Harry looked at me sweetly.

I nodded and Harry explained to them what happened and on why the hell I'm here in their hotel room this early in the morning. Gosh, Darcy you're being so self-centered.

As Harry told them the story I wish that never happened, I sat there playing with the duvet. I just can't get the strength to look at their faces.

After the story, Zayn was the first to respond, "Darce," he held my right hand and I saw Harry making a face saying hey-watch-it-mister-she's-mine face and that made me laugh a little so I looked up and I saw Zayn's warm smile and how he looks so damn hot even if he's only wearing a white shirt, "I want you to know that we're here for you. We're not leaving you. We'll do anything we can to help you feel better and to help them find your dad. We want our happy and smiling Darcy back."

The other lads nodded in agreement and then as if they read each others minds, they did something they did best.

They sang.

I'm so happy that Harry sang first and he pulled me closer,

"Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

Isn't she precious?

Less than one minute old"

Zayn sang next, still not letting go of my hand,

"I never thought through love

We'd be making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made of love"

"Isn't she pretty?

Truly the Angel's best

Boy, I'm so happy, we have been blessed"

Niall winked and sang to me.

"We can't believe what God has

Through us He's given life to one

But isn't she lovely made of love?"

Louis and Liam's voice were such an amazing combination.

They sang the chorus one more time and I can't help but smile because of their angelic voices. They're so freaking perfect. I wiped the remaining tears from my face and pulled them all into a group hug, "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"We don't know what we'd do with you," they all chorused and that turned my day right side up.

A few heart-warming, Mario-karting, food tripping hours later..

"Damn it Darcy! Give it a break please!" Liam shouted at me.

"Well Liam, you have to learn to stop losing!" I screamed back.

"Just admit it Liam! You can't beat Darcy!" Niall said, in between munches. Typical Niall, always eating.

The lads have been really super extra nice to me today. After my tantrum session, everything turned out perfect. I am stuffed from all the food Niall ordered from room service. The lads and I also watched Toy Story, obviously it was Liam's pick but we all loved that movie. Then we ended up playing video games again and it really reduced my stress.

They all insisted that they would do anything just to make me happy and it's really nice knowing that people care for you.

After playing, I finally decided that it was time I told the lads the big news.

"I have something to say," I started out real serious, which caught all their attention.

"What is it, Darce?" Harry asked jumping for the seat on the couch next to me.

"It's just that.." I continued.

"It's just what?" Louis looked up from the magazine he was reading.

"I'M GOING ON TOUR WITH YOU GUYS!" I said enthusiastically.


"Easy on her, Horan," Harry huffed.

"Chill, lad!" Zayn exclaimed, "This is great news!" joining the hug.


"Do you think I could ask the managers that we could leave earlier?" Liam popped up a question.

"I guess that's fine with me," Harry had his cheeky smile on.

"Where's your first stop again?" I asked in the middle of a bearhug from Louis, Niall and Zayn.

"To the City of Love!" Louis screamed in my ear.

"Go, tell them Liam!" Niall's voice filled with excitement, "We should celebrate! TO NANDO'S!!"

"Seriously, Niall? Nando's?" Zayn looked at him weirdly.


Liam smiled and went to call their managers. The other lads went to their rooms to change clothes, leaving Harry and me on the couch.

We snuggled for awhile until he broke the silence, "Darcy, remember that you're mine okay?"

"Of course I'm yours, Haz," I looked up at him and pinched his cheek, "and you're mine."

He smiled and replied, "You really want to get away from here?"

I paused to think for a reply,"Yea, I need to take my mind of things. I promised Gavin I'd call in to check on them everyday."

"That's great, love," Harry smiled his perfect smile as he intertwined his fingers into mine and for once we weren't in a hurry into anything.

It was just him, me and this moment.


So what do you guys think? This is where everything gets exciting! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment and share this :))) WE FINALLY REACHED 10K YOU GUYS OMG I LOVE YOU ALL. <3 YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. Please send feedback and suggestions! Stay happy! 'Til the next chapter, xoxo Ela ;)

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