I'll Sneak You Out

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Chapter 12: I'll Sneak You Out

Harry's P.O.V.

Top of the morning chaps! Woke up bright and early to the nice London sunshine shining through the hotel's windowpane. Wrong.

"HARREH! HARREH! HARREH! Wake up lad!" I heard Louis' annoying voice scream in my ear.

I didn't mind him though. I just took a pillow, threw it at his face, then took another, covered my head and dug down in the blankets. "Ughh.. Harry.. lad.. don't take all the blankets.. you know I hate waking up early in the morning.." a grouchy morning voice murmured beside me.. Zayn.

Haha, he too was awakened by Louis' annoying screams.

I nodded under the covers and tried hard to go back to sleep, last night was incredible but tiring but Louis didn't leave me alone. "HAROLD! I SAID GET UP, LAD!" Louis yelled while struggling to get the pillow off my head.

He almost yanked it out but I tugged it back hard and this began our mini tug-off-war. This continued for a few more minutes until the unexpected happened.

Zayn shot up straight and looked at us with tired but angry, piercing eyes. "IF YOU TWO WON'T SHUT UP, THEN GET OUT! YOU DON'T WANT ME TO DRAG YOU LADS OUT!! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs while pointing for the door.

Well, all the shouting finally woke my system up. But still, I was lazy to stand up so Louis dragged me out of the room Zayn, Louis and I shared, and as soon as he shut the door he started screaming again.

"HARRY! HARREH! HAROLD! You must listen to me!" he yelled jumping up and down like a little kid. Sometimes, I doubt that he was the oldest in the band.

"What happened, Lou? What made you so hyper at.." I searched for a clock... well that took awhile.. "Shit! 6 am! What the heck, Lou! You better have a damn good reason for waking me up this early."

"You don't understand! I have these!" he shoved pieces of paper in front of my face.

I stared at him in confusion. "Wow Lou, you woke me up at 6 am on a Saturday morning just to shove pieces of paper in my face?" I yelled at him.

"Shhh! You won't want the others awake. Anyways! You should thank me." he yelled back while putting the papers on the coffee table. I looked at the papers.. Maps? Tickets? Brochures? For what?

"It's about time you say thank you." Louis huffed.

"Why should I say thank you? What are these even for?" I asked desperately.

"Well, well my dear Harold these are maps for directions to get around the busy streets of London, these tickets are for the Harry Potter Studio Tour and London Eye, these brochures, well to give you a background of Somerset House and I, myself put the directions for the best skate park in the whole city! They got awesome ramps did you know that? Today's your lucky day!" Louis grinned at me.

"What? This doesn't make sense, there are 5 of us and there are only two tickets like for every agenda.. you and me, Lou?"

"What! No! No! No! I wouldn't go see the London Eye with you Harold! Eleanor and I have separate plans for today."

"Then, who will I be going with then?" He stared at me like I was a hopeless idiot, which was pretty much what I am now.

"With Darcy, you dummy! Woah lad! You are too slow!" he screamed.

"With Darcy? Louis are you out of your mind? It's not that I don't want to spend time with Darcy.. it's just that.. you know.. it's just that.." Lou cut me off.

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