Dream Flashbacks

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Chapter 1: Dream Flashbacks

Darcy's P.O.V.


My head hit the window of the car for what I don't know... the umpteenth time? I was riding at the back of the BMW of my best friend, Emma.

I turn around to look at her, greeting me with her fiery red locks tickling the tip of my nose. I scrunched up my nose and nudged her awake. She didn't move at all, the heavy sleeper that she is. I tapped her shoulder a couple of times and she still stays in her deep slumber. But who wouldn't be?

She's nice to drive me home from our two week school trip from Washington, D.C. and jetlag's hitting us hard right now. The trip was fully educational, except for that one night some of my friends and I snuck out to the nearby pub. But that's another story to tell. I swear the Americans we met were so funny. They kept on making me repeat the way I say some words because they said my accent was so fascinating.

The plane ride was so horrible that I almost threw up. I have to admit that I despise take offs, it's the worst thing ever. Trust me you don't want to sit beside me on a plane ride, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I know I'm being hard on myself but it's the horrible truth. We didn't talk much after her father fetched us in the airport, because all we could think of was sleep.

I checked my phone, 2 am, good we've already been stuck in traffic for 2 and a half hours.

What was I supposed to do?

My neck hurts and I'm not even that hungry. Then suddenly a flashback happened.

The luggage I saw a few hours ago... it wasn't just any luggage... it was the luggage... the luggage of Harry Styles. It was just plain wrong, it couldn't be Harry's! Harry's in Cheshire, why would he be in London? Well who knows? The last time I saw Harry was when we were 8, wow that's like almost ten years ago. Time flies so fast.

My mind was jumbled and tired so the next thing I knew I fell fast asleep on Emma's lap. I am not going back to that horrible window seat.


"Darcy.. Darcy, Darcy wake up. Darcy! DARCY JANE BROOKS WAKE THE HELL UP!" someone rude shouted in my ear.

"What?" I shot up straight and saw Emma, her hair up in different directions, I would make fun of her if I wasn't this tired.

"We're here! My dad's getting your luggage out!" Emma said, still shouting.

"You could've woke me up nicely.." I grumbled.

"I did! I tried! But you wouldn't even move a muscle!" she retorted.

I can't find the strength to argue with her. "Okay, okay anyways, thanks for the ride. See you in school."

"Sure, see you too! Goodnight Ms. Cranky-When-She-Wakes-Up," she said, finally she calmed down.

I got out of the car, into the wet sidewalks of London, got my luggage and waved goodbye. I walked briskly up the porch and into the house. It was dark and quiet. They were still all asleep.

The clock chimed, 5:00.

After I left my luggage near the stairs, I ran for the sofa and jumped in. My legs couldn't carry me to my bed upstairs, the sofa would do just fine for now. As my head hit the pillow, I was asleep and dreams visited me.

I was in Kindergarten when I met my best friend forever.

It was the first day that I was ever going to school. Dozens, no hundreds, of butterflies were flying in my tummy like crazy. My mum was walking me to school and since it was my first day, she decided to bend the rules and let me have three scoops of Bubblegum flavored ice cream for breakfast.

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