Grounded with a Midnight Snack

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Chapter 7: Grounded with a Midnight Snack

Mum’s P.O.V.

I checked the wall clock again for the 10th time, 11:30 pm. Where’s my Darcy? She’s just 16, well turning 17 in a month but still! When I say her curfew’s at 10 pm, it’s at 10 pm. No excuses.

What trouble has she got into now? I called both her best friends but neither of them know where she is. I walked around the living room, pacing back and forth, back and forth, the house was quiet, everyone was asleep, but I couldn’t. I can’t sleep knowing my eldest daughter hasn’t come home.

I was really getting worried. The time kept on ticking and she still isn’t back. I was going to call the police but suddenly there was a loud honking outside. I opened the door and surprisingly a big red double-decker bus was parking in front of my front yard. Who in the world is this? 

I saw a boy in the window, his hair was curly but his face looks somewhat familiar. I gave him a death glare, not a motherly thing to do, I know. It took him a few minutes until he was getting out of the bus while towing a girl with messy brown hair and that varsity jacket also looks familiar.. wait that’s my Darcy!

Harry’s P.O.V.

It took me like forever to wake up Dj. I had to tickle her hard to wake her up! And well she wasn’t very happy about it, in fact she punched me back.

“What the Harry?! Why’d ya have to?” she yelled.

“Shhh!” I said while covering her mouth.

“Don’t talk too loud! One thing you don’t know is that the lads don’t want to be woken up! You’ll get Zayn mad for sure!” I said in a loud whisper.

She licked my hand.

“Dj! How civilized!” I yelled, pulling my hand away. I swear my hand’s never going near that mouth again.

She started laughing and laughing and laughing. Ohh.. Darcy, you’re still wackier than ever.

“I thought you said no yelling!” she complained. I smirked.

“So anyways why’d you wake me up Harold?” she asked in an upbeat mood, good she’s awake.

“We’re here. You’re home and I think your mum’s at your door. She did a death glare out me. Gosh she’s even creepier than you.”

“My mum?!? She’s still awake? Shit I have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Yep. That’s why you should start now.” I said giving my hand for her to reach. She took it! Boo yah!

“Yeah, yeah, but since you guys,” she stated while gesturing to the rest of the bus, “Got me into this and since you’re the only one awake, well Harry, you and I have some explaining to do.” She winked at me.

So I pulled her out of the bus and well let’s say her mum wasn’t pretty happy to see us. 

Darcy’s P.O.V. 

Oh My God. I am so DEAD after I had what you call the best night of your whole entire life, which you thought could never possibly happen. Yep, sadly it went by fast.

Winning over Louis was the best thing in the world, I can now check one of my goals in life! Aha!

So back to being dead.. so you see, my mum she’s really fun and all but if you break her rules, you’re into big trouble.

As Harry and I walked to the porch she shouted out “Stay where you are! Put your hands up where I can see them! Let go of my daughter, Mister!”

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