Chapter 4

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//Rebecca's POV//

After Harry left the room I rummaged through my bag and grabbed my razor blade. I pulled up my sleeves and made several incisions in my right arm. I let it bleed for a while then bandaged it up and wrote the list. My arm started stinging from the bandage I needed to take it off so badly. I walked down the stairs trying to hide my pain and handed them my list and went up the stairs I could feel Niall's eyes burning into me. I run into my room and threw off the bandage and yellped in pain.

I heard the front door close then some footsteps coming towards my door... Then I heard a thick Irish accent outisde my door

"Rebecca It's me Niall... Zayn and Harry have gone shopping and Liam and Louis have gone to the cafe can i come in?" I didn't want him to see me like this I quickly pulled down my sleeve and told him to come in. I then remembered my t-shirt was WHITE!

"Rebecca why is your t-shirt turning red?" He pointed at my sleeve and I looked at it and ran out my bedroom door and headed for the front door. I swung it open but felt a strong protective arm wrap around my waist.

"Rebecca! Answer me...." I looked in his eyes there were full of worry and sorrow. I slowly pulled up my sleeve to show several deep marks running across my arm. He gasped and picked me up so I was hanging over his shoulder.

"NIALL PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!" I yelled I kicked and yelled but he wasn't having it. He held me and grabbed a first aid box. I punched it out of his hands so the contents inside was spilled over the floor.

"REBECCA I WANT TO HELP YOU!" Niall words hurt me he was right he did...

"I- I- I can't get help... They've tried and failed!" I yelled a tear escaped my eye. Niall carried me to the sofa and sat down so I was on his lap. He kept my sleeve pulled up and held my bleeding arm against his pure white t-shirt. I tried to pull away but he held it there tight.

"Niall your top... I can't get help THEY HAVE TRIED FOR FUCK SAKE!" I was going to hurt him if I didn't calm myself. Niall could see the anger in my eyes and pulled my head down to his chest. He stroked my hair to calm me. I cried in his chest.

"I can help you... All of us can and that's a promise please bin the razors..." I looked at him and shook my head.

"They are the only things keeping me sain and they are my friends they keep me company and make me feel safe..." I knew i sounded stupid but it was true.

"Well how about you take all your anger out on me?" Niall questioned.

"I would most likley kill you Niall I have a lot of built up anger..." Niall wiped my tears with his thumb

"Use verbal abuse I won't care because I know its your way of letting your anger out please I don't want you hurting yourself again..." A tear fell from Niall's eye and we cried together for a while. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep on Niall's lap...

//A/N: I do know about self-harming because I do it myself so please don't comment saying oh you don't know what its like because trust me i do....//

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