Chapter 16

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// Niall's POV //

Me, Liam and Harry sat with Rebecca on her bed. She wanted us to stay she was so scared I could see it in her eyes. She was trying to fight off the sleep but I could tell I rested my hand on her arm.

"Don't fight it Becca enjoy it!" I whispered. She smiled then her eyelids closed. We stayed for about another 5 minutes then I saw a tear roll down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and sighed.

"She's scared of Charlie...What did they whisper to each other I need to find out" I whispered. Liam and Harry nodded in agreement. I looked at Rebecca again who had several tears falling down her cheeks I wiped them away and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Don't be scared... We will protect you." I whispered then pulled away. I rose off the bed so did Harry and Liam and we left the room closing the door gently behind us.

"Mate don't get to attached." Harry whispered harshly. I looked at him and shook my head.

"You don't understand I now have someone to call princess I thought she would be happy it breaks my heart to see her like this shes like our daughter we need to help her in life..." I barked back. Harry nodded then walked into his room. I walked up to mine and opened the door. My room was one of the biggest in the house. I walked into my bathroom and stripped off and hopped into my shower.

I stood there for what seemed like ages just letting the water pour down ontop of me. I'm really concerned about Rebecca's saftey. She could just about fend off Charlie what if he tries it again but with more boys? What if Rebecca turns to drugs or smoking! I washed my hair and my body then jumped out.

I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom I looked in my closet and took out a pair of PJ bottoms and slipped them on. I climbed into bed and grabbed my iPhone. I went on twitter as I usually do and looked through my feed. Most tweets said.

'One Direction's new adopted daughter beaten by mysterious man....' I sighed and threw my phone across my room I couldn't take this anymore! I them remembered Rebecca had called Charlie on my phone so his number would be in my log book. I ran to my phone and jumped on my bed I found his number and dialled... he answered...

"Charlie it's Niall Horan here what did you tell Rebecca earlier!" I said sternly. I heard a chuckle from the other end.

"It's not something I said it's something she said..." He laughed. I was confused.

"What did she say.... She is scared out of her mind because of you!" I nearly screamed.

"Ha Rebecca scared never... It's all an act Rebecca doesn't get scared if anything it would be angry." I then heard a smash from Rebecca's room I hung up the call and ran into Rebecca's room to see her on the floor in tears and the glass from her bedside table on the floor smashed around her.

"Rebecca!" I yellped and ran to her side. I picked her up carefully. She wimpered in pain I sat her on the bed and held her to my chest her tears cold on my bare chest.

"Shh it's ok whats wrong?" I questioned. She looked up at me eyes teary.

"He got to me in my dreams. I had to let my anger out I smashed the glass but in doing so my stomach did something and I was sent to the floor." She whispered. I stroked her hair and laid her down slowly on her bed. She whimpered some more before falling asleep.

I picked the shards of glass up in my hand and walked out. The boys were gathered outside with confused looks on there faces.

"She's fine." I muttered and walked to a bin and disposed of the shards of glass. I then walked to my room locking the door and fell onto my bed. I curled up into a little ball and slowly drifted off.

// Rubbish chapter like usual but you know just got back from school have a 3 day weekend and an atletics competition on Tuesday YAY! //

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