Chapter 6

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//Rebecca's POV//

I woke up in a different room I thought I fell asleep on Niall's lap? I turned over and forgot about my arm. I moaned in pain then saw Niall looking down at me his face full of worry and dispair.

"Niall why am I in this room I was downstairs? And your top was white well white and red but now its black?" I questioned I was confused and in pain from my arm.

"Shhh it's ok pet... I carried you upstairs when Harry and Louis got back and then I changed my top" I saw a tear fall my his eye. I reached out with my bad arm. I didn't care about the pain. But Niall grabbed it before I could wipe it

"No you are resting your tired and in pain.... And don't tell me your not I can tell from your eyes and face!" He rested my arm back down and stroked my forehead. I used my good arm and swatted it off I'm a rebel not a softy I need to see my boyfriend Charlie he's the only one who understands he doesn't know I live with One Direction though....

"Niall can I use the phone I need to call somebody" Niall nodded and reached in his pocket and bought out his phone.

"Here use mine... It's the least I could do anyway your family now" He smiled before leaving me alone.

I sat upright and typed in Charlie's number. He answered he sounded rough

"Charlie it's me Rebecca baby I need your help badly..." I pleaded

"Don't cry babe it's ok whats happened? Problem at the kids home? Get in another fight" He seemed really worried.

"No it's bigger than that I've been adopted..." I heard a little scream from the other end of the phone.

"Rebecca THATS AMAZING! How can it be bad we can see each other more!" I sighed

"No Ben I've been adopted by... One Direction you know the biggest boyband in the WORLD! And they know I self harm... Charlie they don't know about you and I don't think they should what if something happens and they think your bad for me and we break up then I would die...." I started to cry

"Babe you will NEVER leave me ok no matter what people say I love you and no matter how big they are your mine and only mine anyway they seem caring and will do you good just promise me you will trust them... Meet me tomorrow at 1pm at the usual place!" His voice was cracking he was on the verge of tears to.

"Ok sure tomorrow at 1 at our usual place bye oh yeah and this isn't my number bye!" I disconnected the call and stood up. I walked towards the door to see Niall, Louis and Harry standing right outisde my door. They was fucking listening to everything! I threw the phone at Niall and looked them up and down.

"I GOT TOLD TO FUCKING TRUST YOU AND YOU GO AND LISTEN TO MY PRIVATE PHONE CALLS!" I then slammed my door shut and locked it. I fell against my door and slid down it I cried my eyes out. I saw a glimpse of another blade in my bag. My body was telling me to do it but my brain was telling me no! Charlie said I always had to be strong... He is the one who saved my life and now I dont know if I can do it...

"REBECCA OPEN THE DOOR WE WERE JUST CURIOUS THATS ALL PLEASE LET US IN! WE CAN GET CHARLIE OVER IF YOU WANT?" These words made me click they was fucking listening to every word.

"DO WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT I DON'T GIVE A DAMN GET HIM OVER IF YOU THINK IT WILL HELP HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO STOPPED ME KILLING MYSELF ALL THESE YEARS THERE YOU GO YOU HEARD IT FROM THE GIRL HERSELF!!!" I cried harder and then I heard Niall talking on the phone to Charlie I could hear the whole phone call.... Charlie was coming over the only person I wanted to talk to.... I grabbed the blade I couldn't wait for Charlie I dragged it across my thigh and screamed a little. Niall knew what I was doing but Louis and Harry didn't....

"REBECCA STOP PLEASE I KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!" I heard him banginng on my door. I let it bleed and put my hand on top of it when I removed my hand it was red from the blood. Then I heard Charlie's voice the love of my life was here....

::// AN - A lot of curse words in this chapter I know but oh well.... I warned you at the start ;) //::

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