Chapter 26

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// Harry's POV //

A sharp screeching noise filled them room and my breath hitched. Rebecca had stopped breathing and her heart had stopped! Tears brimmed at the edge of my eyes. I tried to hold them back but gave in and let them spill over.

"REBECCA NO!" Niall yelled. I started to panic. Around 7 doctors came running through the door and we was rushed out of the room. I tried to get back in but they locked the doors. I banged on the door with anger and sorrow.

"PLEASE LET ME IN!" I pleaded. I then felt someone pull me back. I looked and saw Louis looking at me. He shook his head in dispair. Had he given up hope?!? I tried to push Louis away from me but I couldn't get away.

"Mate calm down please she will be fine just calm!" Louis kept calm but I didn't I don't know what was wrong with me but I was angry.

"LOUIS LET ME GO NOW!" I slapped his hands and he let go instantly. I ran back to the locked door and looked in they were preforming CPR and it didn't seem like it was working. I banged on the door again. I saw a figure move next to me I looked to my right to see Niall standing there looking into the room.

"Harry..." Niall sighed. I looked at the floor and nodded I stepped away from the door and moved towards the chairs in the corridor. I sat down and placed my head in my hands and sobbed. All the boys gathered around me and I stood up. We embraced each other in a hug but was inturuptted by a cough. We all stepped back and snapped our heads towards were the noise came from it was the doctor.

"Well?!?" Zayn and Liam panicked. The doctor nodded his head and we all sighed with relief.

"We managed to stabilise Rebecca she is starting to come around now you can all go in but if I was you I would keep your distance when she wakes up because she will be quite ratty." The doctor then left us.

We all rushed in through the door and gathered around her bed.

"Guys we should sit down remember what the doctor said..." Liam sighed and we all nodded and sat down in the chairs provided in the room. Me and Niall sat on the sofa at the back of the room. Louis in the armchair on the right of the bed, Liam in the armchair to the left of the bed and Zayn sat on the edge of the sofa.

A soft moan left Rebecca's mouth indicating that she was starting to wake up. Another moan left her mouth then her eyes fluttered open. Nobody said a word scared for Rebecca's responce.

"Well a I hope your ok would be nice." She snapped. I looked at Niall and we both chuckled under our breath.

"How are you felling Becca?" Louis questioned.

"Horrible." Becca stated blankly. I stood up and walked over to Becca very slowly just to see her reaction.

"Wow you walk slow curly!" She stated. We all laughed and I finished my walk over to her and looked into her eyes. I blinked away my tears and smiled slightly.

"Well say something then Harry..." She sighed. I laughed

"Hello!" I laughed the other boys did to. Rebecca joined in after a while but stopped and winced in pain.

"What is it?!?" Zayn panicked.

"Just my stomach I'm fine honest." She whispered. Zayn and Niall raised from there positions and moved over to the end of Rebecca's bed.

"Oh yeah and don't scare us like that again missy!" Niall stated and pointed his finger at her.

A smile creeped onto Rebecca's face and she nodded.

"Well I'm going to go to sleep because I'm tired night. And also don't watch me sleep unless you are some syco perverts!" She laughed then she closed her eyes.

I laughed and walked back over to my place on the sofa and crossed my legs, Niall came over and jumped onto the sofa and huddled into the corner and Zayn sat on the edge again. I looked over at Louis and Liam who had drifted off to sleep I took this as an opportunity to take a picture and post it on Twitter.

I took out my phone and snapped the picture and put as a caption - '@louis_tomlinson and @Real_Liam_Payne looking after our new princess in hospital but they have seemed to have drifted off.' I posted the picture and everyone was wishing Rebecca a get well soon? Something wasn't right here they was planning something...

// AN - OMFG my boyfriend and his mum have decided to adopt me because they didn't want me going into care but we got told 'No funny buisness' and Ben started blushing like mad! So glad i'm not going into care and now me and Ben can be late for photoshoots together! //

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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