•••The Fear•••

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Another update!!! Yay!!!!! Okay let's just start this update


This Chapter Contains Blood & Gore!!! If u no like then GET THE FUDGE OUTTA HERE! Espically YOU horrocks SINCE I know u hate blood. But I still love ya big sis! So please if u decide to read this then be careful.

Still Ezra's POV

The next day I woke up and tried to get up. But as I did I realized I got up really late. "Oh Man! Kanan is gonna be so mad!" I said as I quickly got up and ran out of the room and accidentally bumped into... Kanan. I saw he had a mad expression on his face.... "Your Very Late." He stated and I hug my head low.
"Yeah... I know..." I said and looked down still. "And why were you late?" Asked Kanan.
I feel like I shouldn't tell him.... 'But He's your Master.' I heard a voice say in my head. "Because... I fell asleep late just writing in... My book..." I said and looked to the left which ment I lied.
He sighed and just told me to never do it again. I promised and we started our training.

-Few Hours Pass-

After Training I went to my room and laid on my bed to relax a bit. I then suddenly felt my eyes shut and I drifted off into slumber.


Normal POV:

Ezra kept running for his life trying to reach the ghost. But as much as he tried he just got farther away from the ghost. But finally he made it and ran inside. What he saw made him shocked and wanna cry. His friends all dead... Covered in blood and with cuts or bruises... The poor dear boy fell on his knees and had tears swell up in his eyes.
He wondered who could've killed his dear friends? As the boy wondered he didn't realize that some dark shadow figure was behind him. The shadow figure took out a color bladed lightsaber and then was ready to strike Ezra. Before the mysterious figure can strike, Ezra quickly turned around and his eyes widen. He was stabbed in the stomach by the red lightsaber. He wanted to scream out in pain but something was telling him not to. As the shadow figure took out his lightsaber from stabbing the poor boy, Ezra then collapsed to the floor and turned dearly pale. His vision was getting very blurry and black. The boy soon closed his eyes and stopped breathing....

~End Of Dream~

Suddenly Ezra woke up screaming and with soaked tears running down his cheeks. He looked around and saw that no one was around which meant that it was all just a dream. But until now the young boy felt something run down the corner of his mouth and touched the liquid that was running down the corner of his mouth. It was blood running down the corner of his mouth. 'But how?' He thought and wondered.... "Was The Dream... Real...?" He thought.

Well that's all for today! I hope you enjoy this update! Thanks for reading! I'll update again soon!

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