-Plans & Secrets-

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My phone got paid. On Wednesday So I'll update twice today If I can. 

Ezra's POV

I walked around the star destroyer and tried to look for Master Vader. As I walked felt a weird feeling in my mind.
It was different for some reason. Its like someone is trying to call my name by using the force. I just ignored it and kept looking around for Master Vader. “Where could Master be?" I asked to myself. As I kept walking around I finally saw my master. I walked over to him and kneeled down to him since I have to obey him or else.

Vader's POV (omg. Yeah His POV)

As my apprentice bowed down to me I then told him the plans we had to destroy his real master that is a Jedi.
While we talked about the plans I then realized I had some bussneiss to attend to.
“I'll be going now. I have some bussneiss I need to control. I'll be back so we can train for a while. And don't let me down when I get back... I trust you with this ship. Your in Command." I said and then walked off.

Normal POV

As the Sith walked off Ezra had some things in his mind. Like what if Vader was hiding something that he didn't want him to know.
While he wondered he then decided to just ask Vader himself later when he returns.
Then all of a sudden the poor boy heard his name again in the force. He had a confused look on his face and thought who it was. He then decided to use the force to see who called his name.

Who said my name?

I did. Where are you?

Why should I tell you?

I'm your Master Ezra.

No. Vader is my Master.

There was a long pause after what Ezra said. And that pause was then broken.

No. I'm your Master.

You are not! Your... Wait who even are you?

Wait you don't know who I am?

Um. No?



Then suddenly Ezra lost contact in the force with the strange man he was talking to.
He wondered who it was but he just stopped and decided to think for any plans on how to destroy the rebels.
But more important... He wanted to know what Master Vader was hiding from him.

What Was Vader Hiding?

Yay I updated finally! And I'm so sorry I didn't update on the day when my phone was paid and yesterday. I had to study for a test I had today and I feel like I did great on it.
But I'll try to update again today. If not... I'll update tomorrow since I'm gonna update the whole weekend since Monday I don't have school.
Also I'm joining a soccer team so I'll be bust starting September the 15th. I'll be home around 6pm since I have to stay after school to practice. We that is all and thank you for reading this story and I'll try to update again! Byeee

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