[The Battle & Emotions]

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Yep... This is where the feels come in.... Also I saw that my views on this book is... 1.05k! That's not much but I think it is! Thank you so much for the views! I really do!
Now let's get on with the story...

Normal POV

Master Vs Padawan...
What indeed this battle might be. Who will win? And... Who dies?
As both Jedi and Padawan clashed their lightsabers together that mixed a green spark both got burnt on the arm from the spark.

While Ezra tried to be strong he felt like he was losing this battle. Kanan had to win so he could bring his beloved Padawan back.

But losing...
He would fail and maybe never see Ezra again. Both tried using their strength to win the battle.
But both neither had the strength to win.

Ezra then kicked Kanan near the stomach which made him fall on the ground and could maybe cause a bruise. Ezra thought this was the time to kill the Jedi and win this Battle. But then

Kanan kicked Ezra in the stomach which caused him to fall back but not on the ground. Ezra held his hand near where Kanan hit him and tried not to show any pain.

But Kanan knew deep down in Ezra he was showing pain and seeing this made Kanan feel pretty bad for what he did.
Kanan still had to not show any sadness in his eyes.

While Ezra recovered from the hit he then grabbed his lightsabers and then again tried striking at the Jedi.

But Kanan ducked and tries not to get hit. He wondered when will Ezra be tired out from this battle. Kanan was growing tired but knew he still had to keep fighting.

While Ezra still tried to hit Kanan he didn't notice that someone was watching his whole moves and anger in his eyes. The person smirked at Ezra's reactions towards his real master.

Ezra grit his teeth and then stabbed... The wall. He didn't really stab Kanan. It was like he couldn't. He let out a heavy breath for air and then looked at Kanan in the eyes.

Kanan saw in Ezra's eyes were.....

Help Me.

Kanan realized what was happening. Ezra did turn to the dark side but with force.
There was still the same Ezra Kanan loved and cared for in there.

Ezra then fell on his knees and dropped his saber. He had tears in his eyes that fell on his cheeks. Some fell on the ground. Kanan didn't know what to do.

While crying blood dripped down Ezra. It was coming from his nose. Ezra kept crying and Kanan walked towards him and wanted to comfort the boy but then Ezra immediately got up and looked at Kanan.

Both looked at each other in the eyes. Neither spoke a word or moved. Ezra then heard in the force that his master was calling him.

Ezra then walked off but then stopped. "You won this battle but I'll be back soon to kill you." He said to Kanan and then walked off but then stopped again and looked from the corner of his eyes and then walked off.

There just stood Kanan still kind of shocked to see his Padawan there cry. Kanan then decided to go back to the ghost to see the crew if they were alright.

While he walked as well he really wondered why Ezra had an emotional break down? But for now he had other things to worry about. Did Ezra really need help while he was staring at him in the eyes?

What Could This Mean?

For Kanan?

Well I did it! Another update! And sorry I haven't updated for a while. I had testing and other things. Well thanks again for 1.05k! It really means a lot to me! And sorry if this was a lame chapter. I'm really tired now since I fell asleep around 1 Am since something happened in the morning so yeah... But again. Sorry for the lame chapter and sort of a lack on updates! I'll update again soon tomorrow since I'm reeeeeally tired. Thanks for reading and Byyye!

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