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And yes....

I know I haven't updated in a while and I didn't update over the weekend....

Well apparently I left my phone at my house since over the weekend I went to my cousin's for a sleepover.

I stayed up all night with him since we were playing Tales Of Xillia 2 since I got that game for my birthday!

I already did the True Ending so I'm doing the Normal Ending second and the Bad Ending last.

Also this book is almost to an end....

Don't cry!

There is a sequal coming soon!

I hope y'all enjoy the sequal that's coming up soon.

Also the other reason is why I haven't updated since my friend @horrocks is moving I'm gonna be sad but were still gonna be in contact tho :)

And also...

I've been watching Soul Eater!

Its a really amazing anime for me and others out there.

If there aren't people who like that anime I totally respect that because we can't just force people to like it.

Because that's dumb and creepy...

Even why I haven't updated...
(I know. Ur all thinking GET TO THE DANG POINT LADY)

Is because... School.

I'm having problems since I have to pay my lunch now for who knows why...

But as soon as I work all everything out I'll update again! Since I'm already working out the next chapter which will be a bit long and crazy and bloody (oops... I just told ya...)

So forgive me for my lack of updates!

Also I'm discontinuing the other story on my account since I'm not really getting ideas for that story...

But I'll still continue this story of course! So that is all I have to say and thank you for the likes and views and comments that ARE nice about this book!

If you are thinking of writing a negative comment...

I'dd probably feel upset but you can't stop me writing.

This is my freedom and book.

So whoever you are that wants to say something negative just stop and think.

Cause I know your a nice and grateful person who has a kind sweet heart.

So please no hate or negative comments.

Thank you for reading this and I'll update again soon!

Thank You

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