-Lothal & Joining The Dark Side-

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Again! Another successful update! Hope you enjoy and let's get the story on!

Normal POV

The next day flew by fast and the young boy woke up and didn't even bother to dress in new clothing. As he walked towards the door he sighed and opened it and walked off to where everyone else is. As he got there the crew looked at him and suddenly Sabine hugged him and has tears running down her cheeks. Also Hera did the same and had a hit of worry in her eyes. "I thought something happened to you!" Said Sabine with a hit of worry in her voice. "No. I-I'm fine. Just uh... Tired a bit and... I-I'm sorry about... Before..." The boy said while hugging Sabine back. The crew just thankfully saw that Ezra was indeed fine and not hurt.

Sabine's POV

As I let go of Ezra I notice his eyes were a bit yellowish and not really blue. "Uh Ezra? What's wrong with your eyes?" I asked and he had a confused look til he realized what I mean. "N-Nothing! Well uh... I have a favor to ask... Can we go to Lothal...?" He asked.
Hera turned to look at him with a surprise look. "Don't you remember last time we went there? The whole city is after us. And in fact that they blame us for the death of Minister Tua." I heard Hera say to Ezra. "Yeah and I got blasted in the face by the Sith Lord remember?" I added.
"Y-Yeah I remember but.. There's something there I need... And there might be some cargo from the military that may be useful for us and the rebellion." Ezra responded. Well that can be true... Some cargo can help us and the rest.

Ezra's POV:

Please say they bought it...
"Alright. We'll go to Lothal. But only if Kanan agrees with it." Hera told me and then looked at Kanan. I looked at him as well and wanted him to agree. "Fine. We'll go but this is the last time and then join the others." He responded. I didn't smile or anything but I was actually happy that they agreed.
Next thing find the mystery person...

-Few mins of driving the ghost to Lothal-

As we got there we tried to stay low and tried not to be seen. After that Kanan suggested we split up into groups. Kanan suggested Sabine and Zeb to go find the cargo while me and him go see if we can find out what the Sith Lord and the rest that work for the empire are planning.
As we split up I looked around while Kanan was in front of me trying to see if anything was in our way. I then felt a strange strong air in the force... It was cold... And... Full with hate and anger... "Kanan...? Do you feel that?" I asked. "Yeah its.. Cold in the force." He responded. I looked around and saw no one but felt the cold. As I tried to figure out what this strange cold was. I quickly then realized it was...
The Sith Lord.
I turned around to face the Sith and then was about to get Kanan's attention til the Sith put his hand over my moth and pulled me away his his strong grip that he had. I tried to break free but he was too strong. As we got to a dark corner he then suddenly dropped me on the ground and I tried to get up but he pushed me down with his foot and had his foot on my back which hurted really bad. "L-Let me go!" I said. "As if I'd let you go. Your master hasn't even told you what you are really capable for." He said and I then stopped. "What? I'm capable for what?" I asked.
"Joining the Dark Side. You have a true meaning for your anger and hate." He said. "As if! I'll never join!" I said and again tried to break free.
"And you try so hard to break free and yet your so weak. If you join the Dark Side I'll train you to become strong and powerful. You and me can rule the universe." Said the Sith Lord. I just thought for a moment.. And had the energy to say no but... This other energy is telling me to say yes... I then felt the anger. The Hate. And Fear in my blood. I then told him the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. "I.... Want to Join." I sadi and he then helped me up. "Very good choice young one. Now you will forget you master and friends. But remember that Jedis are bad and are horrible for the empire." He said to me. "Jedis are bad and even horrible. I will remember that... Master."

Oh no! Ezra joined the dark side! Will Kanan and the crew save him?! Well let's find out later in the next few chapters! Now no hate please! I just thought of this last night since well I was actually sick since my throat is scratchy and dry for some reason. I don't know why but It might be a strep throat for me... Well that is all for now and I'll update again later today or tomorrow. Well that's up to me when I feel better or so. But that is all and thank you!! And I'll update very soon!!! Bye Bye!!!

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