-Welcome Home Ezra-

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This is gonna be happy and a bit of feels. Hope u enjoy!

Normal POV

After the rescue...

They finally were glad to see their young member back in with them.


All scratched up & beat up...

But they knew he would recover quickly.

They were just glad to have him back...

Especially Kanan was glad

He missed Ezra a dear lot over the past three months

He hugged his padawan tightly and had tears in his eyes.

Ezra knew he was so relieved to see him as well.

He hugged back and smiled.

Everyone he cared about missed him and he missed them as well.

“Im glad your back Ezra..."

“Im glad to be here too Kanan... I'm really relieved to see that everyone is doing fine."

Everyone was back with Ezra and that mattered to them.

Ezra's POV

I'm glad to be home with everyone by my side. I know I'm all beaten up and hurt.

But I know that I'll heal pretty quick to start training again soon and other sorts.

Right now Kanan helped me get to my room.

Oh how I missed sleeping here...

I laid on my bunker and then sighed in relief to be back here.

Kanan smiled at me and left me alone to let me rest up for the day

I was glad to be here and I'm thankful that.

I'm also thankful that everyone was safe while I was away for a long time.

I then felt my eyes start to fall which ment I was getting tired. I didn't really sleep much since being tortured got me full awaken.

As I yawned I felt something around my body. . .

It was a blanket. I looked up to see Hera there smiling at me.

“Just making sure if you were alright.”

“I'm alright. Just tired that's all."

“I see. Well get some rest. I'll clean your wounds tomorrow in the morning"

The last thing she said made me almost flinch when she talked about my wounds

I just nod at her and then fell asleep.

Hera's POV

I looked at how Ezra slept.
He looked peaceful for once and I smiled.

I walked off and thought about some things.

Who ever took Ezra I'm sure were dealing something worse than the empire.

I just hope nothing bad happens to him again...

I sighed while walking around and suddenly I saw Kanan just meditating in his bunker.

“Is he alright?"

“Yes he is. Don't worry Dear he's fine."

“Im just worried about who were dealing with sooner in the future..."

“Thats what I thought as well but I'm sure we'll stop this at once in time. For now let's be grateful to have Ezra back."

“Your right. That's what I'm really grateful for. And also to have you around."

I smiled at Kanan's words and he got up and then suddenly hugged me. I of course hugged back and rested my head on his chest

I missed these touching moments with him a lot. . .

Normal POV

This was indeed a touching moment for everyone to have their dear young friend back home.

That's what really mattered to all of them.

But truely....

They wonder who were they dealing with in the sudden events coming up in their journey fighting the empire...

Who . . .

Just . . .

Who . . . ?

Yay! Finally I updated! Its been so long I know I know and guess who's passing all their classes?! This gal here! Yup I'm also acing all my test and quizzes and boosting up my grades! I honestly thank you all for waiting for this update.

Also Next week and this weekend I'll be able to update a lot because I'm off from school for a week til
November 30th.

I want to give shout outs to

Star_Wars_Fangirl_ and @horrocks because they are amazing writers with truly amazing stories in their accounts.

Please check their accounts and see their incredible stories!

That is all I must say and I'll update again soon!

Thank You!

- Dat_Ship_Tho

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