-Missing Padawan-

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Okay I feel a little better! My throat is okay but I have a fever now since the cold. No not Darth Vader cold... I mean like outside cold or inside my house cold. But I'll update so that I won't make you guys upset. Let's get on with the story!

Normal POV

As Ezra and Vader walked off quickly before Kanan can notice that Ezra is with Vader. But as the walked off Kanan turned to face Ezra but instead faced no one.

Kanan's POV

Wait where's Ezra? I looked around but no sign of Ezra. I then realized maybe he went back to the ship with the rest. I walked back to the ghost and met up with the rest. "Is Ezra here?" I asked.
"Um no? Wasn't he with you?" Hera asked. "Yes but I thought he came here." I said to her.
Strange. Where could have Ezra gone? "Maybe he ran around the city and went back to his old house." I heard Sabine say. Maybe he did go. I told Hera and the rest I'll check around the city and be back quickly.

Hera's POV

How would Ezra be gone? I may not be a Jedi but I can sense that something made him probably run off. As Kanan ran off into the city to search him I tried communicating with Ezra on his communicator. "Ezra? Come in Ezra! Ezra!" He didn't respond. I only heard static noises and no voice of him. I tried again but no response again. Where could have he gone?

-Few hours and Kanan comes back-

I then heard someone walk in and I turned around to see Kanan with sad look on his face. "Kanan? Did you find him?" I asked but with a bit of worry with in my voice.
"No... But I found this outside the ghost.." He then took out something. It was Ezra's lightsaber. I was shocked. Did Ezra but his lightsaber out near the ghost? Or did someone... No don't think like that! "I think he ran away... On his own..." I heard Kanan say to me. "You mean he was upset about the whole yelling at us the other day?" I asked. "Maybe. Or something may have gotten him and took him somewhere." Kanan responded. Where ever Ezra is I hope he's alright.

-With Ezra & Darth Vader-

Normal POV

While the crew wondered where poor Ezra is... Ezra has been with Vader in one of the Star Destroyers learning how to become one with the Dark Side.
"You will be wearing something else besides that young one." Said Vader to Ezra. "Like what?" Asked Ezra to Vader.
"Oh you'll see later. For now you must rest. Tomorrow your training starts." Vader told Ezra and then walked off and left the young boy near a door. As Ezra was there alone he opened the door that was near him. It was a room that looked more pleasant than anything. The young boy smirked and walked in and closed the door and then layed down to his bed and looked at the ceiling. He wondered about how to impress Vader tomorrow when they train. As we wondered his eyes became yellow but more dark like the Inquisitor's eyes...
Ezra was indeed falling into the Dark Side... Wonder how the crew will see their young lost young boy like this.

Well that is all for this update! Hope you enjoyed it and I'll do more soon! That is all and again! Thank you! Bye Bye!!!

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