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I promised an update and I did! So here it is!



This Chapter Contains:

A bit of Violence
And some intense things.

Ezra's POV

Kanan? Kanan?! Kanan!

I thought I heard him...
Then suddenly he came in...
"What are you doing up so late?" Asked the Sith Lord.
Wait? How did I get here?
"...Uh... Nothing. Just... Wait where am I?" I asked. I notice he must think I'm stupid. "In the star destroyer." He told me. How did I...? Wait... I remember... I joined the dark side because... The fear. The anger. The hate... It was all in me... "Oh right..." I said.
"Im not a moron. Idiot. I know you lost your true dark side in you." He said. He suddenly then pushed me on the wall with one of his hands and he held on to one of my arms and I can tell he was glaring at me under that weird looking mask. "If you can't show me your true dark side then I will." He said and then let go of me and then kicked me. I clenched onto where he kicked me and coughed up. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and looked at me. "This is why I took you in. Your family hated you. That's why you lost your family. And this is why your friends never came for you. Your just a weak and young idiotic boy." He kept saying trying to break me. "I know they'll come for me! They will! I'm not weak!" I told him and he kept saying how weak and stupid I was... "Just stop!!!" I yelled and had tears in my eyes. "Even when I try to break you, you'll cry knowing that I am breaking you. How weak." He then suddenly pushed me and kicked me again but this time really hard enough to make me stop breathing. I coughed and coughed til I felt a liquid come down at the edge of my mouth and I notice it was blood. Since it was dripping down on the floor. I tried to get up but I felt weak. Where are they? Is it true that... Kanan and the others hated me? They really do. Don't they...
"Get up." I heard the Sith say. I once again tried to get up and finally got up. I was then grabbed by the arm and pushed down on the ground.
I know I'll be broken... I just wished Kanan was here... Kanan... Where are you... Master....
I then suddenly felt my skin all cold and pale. This meant what?

Vader's POV (yep. Deal with it)

He tried so hard to not fall into the dark. But yet so weak and scared I know he'll fail.
I then decided to pick him up and then looked at him closely. His eyes are a bit of yellow. Hair black like coal. And skin pale like snow. This meant he was falling into the dark side once again. I then gently put him on his bed and then was about to walk off until I then looked at him one more time. He was then unconscious from all the pain I gave him. He surely would be a great use as an apprentice... Or more like a son of mine.

Normal POV

As Vader left the young boy alone in the room, Ezra woke up a few hours ago but different. He got up and then looked at himself in a mirror. He just had an emotionless expression on his face and then sighed. He got out of his room and saw Vader. He kneeled down to him and apologized for how he didn't know the dark side was more powerful than anything... Ezra lost it... The Ezra everyone knew was now gone... Forever...? Or For how long...?

Nuuuu! Ezra nuuuuu! Why!? Well next chapter it'll be different. And I'll update again soon! For now I'm tired and sleepy since I'm a bit sick. I'll update later on this week or maybe next week. Hope you enjoyed this and I'll update again very soon! Bye!!!

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