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Yay! Well apparently all of y'all love this story and I just wanna say thank you so much! And I check on my last chapter there were a few spelling errors... I do apologize my keyboard is being a butt. But I'll check on for now to see if every word in this book is correct! Just please enjoy and like!

Normal POV

As the next day flew by Ezra got up from the corner. He didn't sleep or stopped crying all night. He was there all night alone. He sighed and walked towards his bed and laid there. He thought for a bit and wondered if the crew really truly didn't need him?

Ezra's POV

I didn't really know why I was angry yesterday... But I just had the feeling I had to be angry with the crew yesterday.
I should probably apologize to them.

No you don't. They left you yesterday. Maybe that means they hate you.

No! They love I know they do!

How so?

Well uh....

That's what I thought.

Shut up! You don't even know what I'm talking about!

Heh. Of course I do.

I sighed and tried to shut the voice in my head but I just had to ignore it for now. I got up and and walked to the door and was about to open it until I realized something...
What if they truly didn't love me or... Care for me? After all... I did yell at them...
I backed away from the door and then just sat down on my bed again.

See? They don't love you.

Yes they do!

Then how do you know boy?


What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

.....Just shut up.

Why? I like talking to you. Its pleasing.

Wow how?

Why not If I said I know someone who can love you and care for you


Yes... Come to Lothal tomorrow night. And I'm sure that this person will indeed love you.

I thought for a bit and decided if I should or should not go... But I have to. The crew doesn't really care about me or my needs here... Their just using me for anything.

Okay. I'll be at Lothal tomorrow night.

Alright. You'll see tomorrow the person who loves you. And I wish you luck with him... Hehehehe....

I was confused why the voice laughed darkly but I just decided to ignore it. I looked around and then thought. What will the crew do if this person took me in? Would they just not care and just say that I'm a useless street rat? Well I don't care anymore. I got up and then cleaned the whole room since I kept messing it up.

So Tomorrow Night...
Go to Lothal.
And meet this mystery person that does love me...
Well... This means I'll have to tell the rest that this is a mission to just get some cargo but also for me to find the mystery person. I'll tell the rest tomorrow since for now I just wanna be alone and sleep since I didn't sleep at all last night.

Well Here I Come Lothal.

Well that is it for this story and I'll update the gravity falls one today after this update! And I hope you enjoyed it and please no hate! It took me days to think of this! Well that is all and thank you again for the likes and comments! Bye!!!

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