-He Remebers-

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Another update! Yay! Yeah I update a lot. Well because I just love it when you guys like and say that is is amazing and the chapters are excellent! I thank you so much! Now let's go on with the story! Also I'm staying home today so yeah I'll update twice today. One right now and one later on today. That is all and now let's go with the story!

Ezra's POV

I woke up the next day and saw
Some black clothing that I guess was for me. I got up and walked to where my new clothes were and looked at it. Its like the inquisitor's but different. (Its the picture that is on top) I then decided to put it on and looked at myself and just sighed. I walked out the door and decided to look for my new master. As I walked around I started to notice something going on with my skin. Every time I go more into the dark side... The more pale I get.

Also I started noticing my hair turning black and not my usual blue hair. I then suddenly bumped into my master. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you." He told me. "I was about to say the same and was it you who game me these new clothes to wear?" I asked. He of course said yes and I had to admitted these are cool clothes he gave me.

-Few Hours-

Normal POV

As Ezra and Vader trained a lot. Ezra grew more into the dark side which impressed Vader very much. Then next few more hours Ezra and his master trained til it was time for them to get some shut eye.
They went their own separate ways while going to their rooms. As they walked alone to their rooms, Ezra was walking around the ship and then had then decided to go his room and just rest for the night.

-Back With The Rebels-

While everyone was asleep except for one. That one person was Kanan. He was too worried about his beloved Padawan. He lost contact with him by using the force. Which only means two things for Kanan. One. Ezra was Dead. Or Two. He joined the Dark side. But Kanan surely knew that his Padawan couldn't be dead. He can protect himself from anything. Well except from the Sith Lord... Kanan couldn't sleep. He would only sleep if he knew that Ezra was alright.
He decided to just mediate for a while. As he did he felt the cold around him. He then was shocked to see in his vision.
It was Ezra. But different...
He wore black clothes and eyes dark yellow. And not to mention black hair. This made Kanan stop mediating.


-Back With Ezra-

Ezra's POV

While I was asleep I heard someone say my name which made me wake up. I looked around and saw no body. But who called my name? I tried to sleep again but the voice still echoed through my mind. It feel like I know this person who called my name. His voice... It made me remember... Could it be...?
It... It was it be him!


Omg! So apparently Ezra is remembering about his real Master. So what happens when Vader Finds out that Ezra is losing his dark side and more into a true Jedi?! Well that for me to find out! So this is kind of like a cliffhanger. I'll update again later today! That is all for now and thank you for reading! And thank you for the likes and comments! I appreciate this much. Well thank you and that is all! Bye Bye!

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