-The Rescue-

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Some sadness in this chapter... And I hope you enjoy this.

Normal POV

Its been months now and the crew still didn't give up to find their youngest member in their crew.

They missed him very much.

Mostly Kanan...

He cared for Ezra the most like not a friend but a son.

Hera was like the mother

Zeb and Sabine and even Chopper were like siblings.

He wished that Ezra was here but he wasn't...

Kanan would sometimes try not to cry about his Padawan but failed.

It hurts him so much to see Ezra in pain

He could hear his Padawan scream every night in his sleep

He knew Ezra was suffering in lots of wounds & bruises

Soon he'll find Ezra...

Kanan will find him even if he had to search all across the galaxy if he had to find his precious Padawan.


Ashoka's POV (oooh! Didn't see that coming eeeeh? Well yep!)

I knew what Kanan had in him.


Every time we talk to him if he's fine he'll say he's all right but in his eyes I could tell he's sad

I as well am hurt to see if Ezra was in pain.

Oh dear Ezra I hope your all right...

I'm sure your master really misses you and you miss him...


*Back W/ Ezra*

Normal POV:

He laid their cold and tears in his eyes...

He's been crying for almost all day until he grew tired...

He then heard a explosive bomb of some sort come from the second floor (He's all the way in the third floor)

Who could've set off a bomb?

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar face looking at his....


His master was there....

Ezra looked at him with tears swelling up his eyes and then Kanan ran over to him and hugged him tightly...

"Kanan...? I-Is it really you..?"

"Yes Ezra... Its really me. I'm never letting you go this time... I felt horrible for not knowing here you were... I'm sorry..."

Ezra didn't agree with his stament... He told the Jedi it was his fault for running away like that...

Both didn't matter who's fault it was.

They were just happy that they're back together again...

As Master & Padawan.

This is so sad! I almost cried. I really do hope you enjoyed it! That will be all for today and I'll update again very absolutely soon!

Bye Bye!


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