-The End Or Is It?-

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This is the last chapter of this book! But the sequel is coming out though so yeah!! C:

Normal POV

Two months have passed ever since Ezra was rescued.
He recovered his bruises and wounds pretty quick for such a young age like him

Right now he was laying on his bed thinking about some things that were off from his thoughts.

He wondered if he'd meet the Sith Lord again some point in time

Suddenly his thoughts were broken by a voice

"Are you doing alright?"

It was Kanan who asked and came in to check his padawan.

"Um y-yeah just thinking..."

He responded with a hint of fear perhaps in his voice.

Kanan sensed that something was bothering the dear boy

He asked him again if anything was bothering him

Ezra knew well that Kanan wouldn't leave until he told him

So the boy sighed and told his master what he thought

Kanan looked at Ezra the whole entire time while Ezra kept talking until he stopped and looked at the floor

This made the Jedi worried about his Padawan. . .

Ezra looked at the floor still and sighed a bit


"Yes Ezra?"

". . . Will everything be okay?"

By these words Kanan didn't know how to respond

But he knew that everything will be alright

"Yes. There's nothing to worry about Ezra. Everything will be just fine."

Ezra looked at his master and smiled.

"Okay. Well thanks for telling me that everything will be alright."

Kanan nodded and then got up and left his Padawan.

Ezra sighed deeply and then looked around...

What if everything won't be alright...?

No... Everything has to be alright...!

That's what Ezra thought...
He thought everything would end up in tragic event that could be dangerous...

He didn't want that....

He then started to have tears in his eyes...

...What if I lose Kanan...? Or the others...

He then started to cover his eyes with his hands and then started to sob.

Ezra's POV

I kept crying...

I just don't wanna loose my master and friends....

Then all of a sudden I hears whispers around the room...

Like... People whispering different things...

I got up and then looked around... Who were these people whispering things to me...?

I then suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from my head and felt like my bones were on fire

What was happening to me?

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