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I know I didn't update... Well.... I had to dog sit and go to a funeral and then stayed at my cousin's over the last weekend since I wanted to and I left my phone at my house and and I tried to update on my cousin's laptop but I was really busy. So yeah.... I hope u can forgive me and here is an update!


The following chapter contains:

Intense harsh
Mild Violence

Thank You!

Ezra's POV

I was then thrown into a dirty and old cell and I heard the door lock. I banged on the cell walls but then stopped and knew I'd hurt my hands and then sat on the ground.

I don't remember much what happen. I only knew the pain I had in my head which hurt really bad like heck.I got up and then looked around what was around me.

Mostly... A metal table with thick chains that won't break by a saber or lasers. And a remote on the metal table.
Huh. What are they gonna try to do to me? I didn't notice until I felt someone push me down on the table and chained me up.

"H-Hey! What are y-"

I then felt something prick me on the left of my arm. This person was injecting me a weird liquid and I could feel it flowing into my arm and veins. I just tried to be brave but then I knew what was in that weird liquid.

It was to make my body numb.
I didn't feel anything. I could only blink,hear,smell, and taste but not move any muscle. As the mysterious person left I saw the Sith Lord come in.

"I see you knew what I asked him to do." He told me.

"....Let me go." I spatted out and grit my teeth and tried to move my body but I couldn't.

"Try all you want. Your never getting out until I'm done with you..."

I didn't know what he ment til I saw him light his saber and then he pointed it at me.

My eyes widen in fear on what he might do to me. Suddenly he then stabbed me in the right of my arm and I didn't feel anything but I knew after my whole body not numb I would feel the horrid pain.

I saw blood trickling down my arm to the cold metal floor. I then suddenly heard the Sith mumble something under his breath but I didn't really hear it well.

A few mins my body wasn't numb anymore and I felt the harsh pain in my arm. I screamed out really horrifying that could've broke glass.

The tears swelled up in my eyes and fell down to my cheeks. The Sith then took out his saber out of my arm and then gently put it near the table that was next to me.

I could tell he was smirking in that black mask.

I wish Kanan and the others were here. I wanna go home...
But maybe... They couldn't find me.

Vader then left but I was still chained up on the metal table bleeding. But I notice that Vader was the dumbest person ever.

He left his saber on the table. I used the force to try and bring it to me but then it fell to the ground.

I sighed and then tried again but I failed once again...

I just decided to just stay there and not move. I really wanted to go back home... With Kanan and the others.

I wish I was back home...


I miss you...

Well yes I know its short since I have to update again soon so I do apologize for the lack of updates...

I'll update again soon or later on this week since Ima stay up all night to try and finish the other chapters I'm working on.

So again I do apologize for not updating much.

Thanks you for reading this chapter and I'll update again soon!!! :)

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