-The Mission-

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Another update. Yay! So let's get this update started. Also whenever this story ends soon I'll do a sequal. Since I already have plans on the sequal soon.

Normal POV

While the young boy wondered more he didn't notice that his master was there behind him.
"Are you ready?" Asked Vader which made Ezra jump from the voice. "Yes Master." Responded Ezra. He knew what Vader was talking about. They were gonna try to invade Naboo. Why you ask? They need more planets to try and rule the galaxy or the universe.
While they talked about the plans the rebels on the other hand heard that Vader had a plan to rule Naboo.
The crew got into action and even Ahsoka heard the plans.
As they were getting ready
Kanan still feared that his
Padawan was slowly losing the good in him.

Kanan's POV

I don't know how but I heard that Ezra and his "new" master were gonna try and strike Naboo.
I then told the rest and we had to get ready for our mission.
While getting ready I still wanted to know if there was still a chance to save my padawan...
I mostly dearly missed him a lot. I just hope he's alright.

-Few Mins Later-

Normal POV

As the crew finished getting ready they set off to Lothal with Ahsoka. They got there a few mins later and split up into teams to search for anything strange. While searching Kanan was looking around to see if Ezra was here. As he looked he spotted a boy that had the same hair cut as Ezra's but it was black. Suddenly the boy turned around and it was Ezra. But Kanan saw that Ezra looked very different. Yellow eyes. Black raven hair. And black clothes that matched his new look. This made Kanan fear that his padawan was aggressive. He was about to walk off from the scene but he saw Vader walking towards Ezra and then had a stern more like an important talk. Ezra was a bit scared that he was facing Vader. Because he got into trouble for not listening to his master's plan that could've proceed.
But as Vader then suddenly kicked Ezra in the gut which caused Ezra to fall on the ground coughing and wheezing.
This suddenly shocked the Jedi to see his padawan in pain. He then wanted to jump down and save Ezra but knew doing that wouldn't be such a good idea.

While Ezra tried to get up his master was gone. He looked around and just sighed and still had pain in his stomach he thought he sensed that someone was around and looked to see if anyone was around.
Kanan knew what Ezra was doing and tried to not be seen.
But as Ezra was about to know who was around him his master called him in one of the communicators for some important this. Ezra walked off to join Vader but stopped and looked around one more bit and then walked off.

Kanan quickly walked off to find the rest to tell them what he found out about Vader and Ezra. Would this mean that Kanan would have to go against his Padawan in the future that may come next?

Omg! Kanan Vs Ezra?! This is gonna be killing me all day!!! Well not really but yeah okay.
I hope you enjoyed this update and I'll update again soon today or this week. That is all for now and I will update very soon again! Bye Bye!

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