-Weeks & Months-

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Yay another update!

Normal POV:

Its been now weeks ever since poor Ezra has been tortured from Vader. But all night he would get tortured and go back in his cell with bruises and deep cuts that draw blood.

After he just got tortured and then brought back to his cell and suddenly fell on his knees and coughed.

He spat out blood and then tried to get up. As he got up he then sat back near the wall and closed his eyes.

He missed Kanan and the others...

Oh how he would enjoy when Chopper would zap Zeb beind his leg and then this would cause Zeb to chase Chopper around the ghost sometimes.

Oh how this made Ezra laugh a lot.

But now he wouldn't laugh in joy...

Its been a long day for him and he grew tired of screaming ever since he got tortured today.

He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling and had tears prick at the corner of his eyes.

He then lifted his shirt up a bit and saw the deep cut that Vader made with his lightsaber.

He put his shirt down and then looked down to the ground and hugged his knees.

He wondered if his friends would ever find him.

But then again...

Maybe they couldn't...

He sat there wondering about his master and friends....

Oh poor young boy...

He seriously missed his master & friends

He stayed there hugging his knees and looking at the wall and had brim of tears peaking out of his eyes.

He wanted to go home...

Not home as in Lothal...

Real home...

With his family.

I hope Kanan and the others are alright...

That's what Ezra thought...

Few days pass then weeks pass...

The more days and weeks pass...

The more months began to go by...

Its been three months now...

Ezra hasn't eaten,sleep, or had anything to drink for three weeks and managed to survive.

But instead he got tortured a lot from Vader and the poor boy would come back with deep cuts,blisters, bruises, and blood dripping down from his mouth or nose.

He didn't cry or scream or even say anything after or before getting tortured.

It was like he lost all his emotions.

Or did he?

He gave up.


He gave up hope.

His friends weren't gonna find him.

They thought he was gone forever.

That was it.

He lost hope.

I guess they think I'm gone or something...

He said to himself in his head and then laid on the cold floor and the closed his eyes.

In months this was is only time to rest.

He just laid like that for a few good minutes and then slept for good.

This was his time to finally rest...

From all those horrible events he encountered...

Aaaaaand done! This chapter was a sad for me since I almost cried... Well I'll update again soon or tomorrow! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Four more chapters and this story ends! Also Do any of ya'll out their like have a favorite character on Star Wars Rebels like you really like as a crush or just as your favorite. I'm doing a Ezra X Reader that's gonna be published this Friday/Tomorrow and just to be sure if any of you are interested in reading! ^-^

Well that's all I gotta say and I'll update again soon! Thank you and I'll update again soon! Like & Comment if u loved it or have any ideas! Thanks & Love Yaaaaa!!!

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