-Dreams & Truths-

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Finally! An update! How long has it been? No seriously... How long I haven't updated?

Normal POV:


Thats what Ezra thought his master would do to him. Great... Another boring dumb lecture about
"I told you to never go near a Jedi!" Or "How dare you go without me!"

It was just dumb. VERY DUMB.
As Ezra walked down the halls of the Death Star, He wondered....

Why did he cry when he didn't have the chance on hurting the Jedi? He kept wondering until he saw his master. As he got to his master he was met with a slap in the face. He was shock and just had an expression that said, "What the heck was that for?!"

Vader had a look that said, "You clearly know why I did that."
Ezra was confused to why Vader slapped him. "Its because you didn't tell me or anybody on this ship that you were fighting a Jedi!" Vader spatted out. Ezra just sighed and didn't even bother to even know what to say to his master.

He stayed quiet and then Vader sighed and told him to just go to his room and rest up for tomorrow. While Ezra walked back to his room he wanted to know who told Vader that he was fighting a Jedi? Or How did he know?

He got to his room and the door opened automatically and closed by itself. He sat down on his bed and looked at the ground and then at his hands.
He knew there was something wrong deep inside him or worse.

He kept looking at his hands til he just decided to just rest for now and forget.
While changing and getting ready to rest up for the day he laid on his bed and looked at the dark room that once had light but now became dark like the shadows.

He looked around the room and sw nothing but pure black darkness. Its like it was consuming him alive but it wasn't. Then his eyes became heavy and then he closed his tired that once were awake and alive eyes and now closed them shut for the next day.


He kept running from someone that had a colored blue lightsaber and it was a male but more mature and more of an adult. Then the poor young teen fell and screamed at the man with the blue saber but instead of meeting death; he was met by a warm hug from the adult man. The teen was in shock and didn't even know what to say or do.

He was there in the embrace of the adult and felt himself hugging back like...
He knew who this man was to him. And he knew the man was...

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