•••The Anger•••

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Here we go again! Another update! Now this is where things get bad in this chapter. There is a bit of intense things happen so yeah be warned and enjoy!

Normal POV

After the weird dream/vision... The poor boy got up and walked out of his room and walked around the ghost.
As he stopped walking and sat down in a chair and lowered his head down. He was alone right now. While the rest were on a mission and thought Ezra needed a time to relax. But has Ezra lowered his head down... He got this angry feeling that maybe the crew just wanted him to stay in the ghost since maybe... Just maybe they thought he was just a lump that made them far behind with their missions...
"They hate me." He said with a low growl. He then got up and then kicked a chair over and then huffed in anger. "Im just a... Mistake!" He then suddenly took out his lightsaber and light it on and pierced his saber into the metal wall. He huffed and growled more as he thought of his crew just leaving him like that. Then suddenly he threw his lightsaber on the ground which made a spark on the ground and it got to Ezra's left cheek which made a burnt mark. The young boy fell on the ground and hissed in pain and touched where he got burnt. As he did he stopped and notice blood was coming out of his burnt mark. He quickly got up and then tried to find bandages to cover up the wound. But before he could his master and crew came in and saw the disaster Ezra made. "What happen here?" Asked Kanan. Ezra didn't know how to tell his master... But he surely didn't wanna tell him he got angry for just leaving him. "N-Nothing!" Said the fellow boy. But then he suddenly snapped like he just wanted... To kill Kanan. But he couldn't! Kanan was his master! But he just let it out... "I mean..... Something did happen... Like you all left me here! You probably think I'm a mistake to you all! And especially for you master! I'm just a horrid mistake for you! Because you always think I can't accomplish anything! And maybe.... I don't wanna be a Jedi anymore! Because I hate you! All!" He suddenly ran off to his room and locked the door. He just growled and kicked his bed and threw his saber again on the ground. He just sit down in a dark corner and hugged his knees... He truelt thought he was a mistake... He then soon just had tears swell up in his eyes. 'I'm a mistake to everyone. Even Kanan... I wish I didn't even meet them or better I wish I died...' he thought to himself and then sniffed and cried to himself.
But what the fellow boy didn't know... A shadow in the corner was watching his whole little intense scene... The shadow breathed heavinly and chuckled. As the figure did Ezra kept crying and then just cried softly. He just cried there the whole time and didn't even bother to open the door as the rest called out his name to open the door. He just sat there... Crying all day... The poor boy just didn't wanna be with anyone but himself... That is what he always thought about right now.... Just Himself...

Well that is all the time I have for this update. Hope you enjoyed it! I'll update tomorrow or Sunday since Saturday is my niece's birthday! But hope you liked it and thought it was good! Byee!!!!

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