-The Time Has Come-

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So yeah.... A bit of intense things in this chapter... So yeah next chapter will be more intense and some feels may be in the next chapter. Let's get on with the story shall we? Yes.

Normal POV

As the Jedi ran back to his crew he was about to trip but tried not to. As we got there in time before they had a plan. Kanan told the crew and even Ahsoka about Ezra. They had very depressing emotions as they heard the news. Even the Jedi was in the depressing mood.
But Kanan knew that there was still a good side in Ezra. But how? That is one thing he can't even know about.
While thinking his thoughts were broken by Ahsoka saying that they should split up into groups again and figure out a bit more of Vader's plans.
This time the groups were the same but different. Zeb & Sabine go check out half of Naboo while Hera and Ahsoka check out near where the Stormtroopers were sent to guard some important cargo and other information they heard.
But for Kanan he wanted to go alone to find his Padawan again.

As the Jedi ran the streets of Naboo he then stopped and spotted a dark shadow in the alley way and decided to follow the shadow figure quietly. As Kanan followed the figure he didn't know that this was a trap.
Then the figure stopped at a dead end and faced the wall.
Kanan also knew that he was at a dead end with the mysterious figure. "Why did you follow?" Asked the mysterious figure.
Kanan knew that voice anywhere. It had to be...
"Ezra?" Asked the Jedi. He walked slowly towards Ezra but as he walked the figure had in his hands a lightsaber that was turned off. Then all of a sudden. The figure turned on his lightsaber and just one inch to almost stabbing Kanan in the stomach.
Kanan was shocked to see that it was Ezra. "How dare you follow me!" Yelled Ezra at Kanan. Kanan could see the anger and hate in his eyes.
"Ezra its me! Kanan!" Yelled the Jedi to his Padawan. Ezra grit his teeth and then stuck again to try and stab Kanan. But failed. Kanan didn't want to take his lightsaber and fight Ezra.

Kanan took out just his blaster and knew what he had to do... But then all of a sudden Ezra struck again and hit Kanan on the arm which would leave a burn mark. Kanan wanted to scream but just held the scream in. "I will kill you. And I won't stop til I tear you into pieces you!" Ezra yelled at Kanan. Kanan knew what Ezra was trying to do to him. Break his mind but that won't stop Kanan.
Ezra then used the force to try to push Kanan away.
Ezra then charged at Kanan by using his lightsaber again but failed since Kanan used the force. He just pushed Ezra away. He didn't want to hurt to hurt Ezra.

Ezra grew more and more hate with the Jedi. Then Ezra took out another lightsaber that was red. Kanan then knew what he must do.... He took out his saber and light it on....

He Had To...

He Must Do.

This means...

Master Vs Padawan

Oh my gosh... Kanan vs Ezra oh no... We must find out on the next chapter! That is all and thank you for reading! I'll update again very soon this week or the weekend coming up! Bye Bye!! C:

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