-Fear In A Master-

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Well here is an update. I'm bored so yeah I decided to update to get my boredom away.
Here we go and woah! Three updates in one day! Also I had to update again because my phone gets cut off tomorrow and my mom will try to pay it this week if she can.

Normal POV

Kanan was pacing around the ghost. He was afraid. Very afraid. His fear came true... He lost his Padawan/Friend. He didn't tell any body that he was afraid. But Hera knew he was scared. She was also afraid that she lost her dear beloved young friend. The Jedi sighed and tried to contact Ezra again. But nothing... Until he heard a dark and evil laugh that echoed his head. It sounded like... “Ezra...?" He said while the voice in his head rang. Kanan looked around but no one. He closed his eyes and decided to hear what was in the force. He listened carefully all of a sudden he heard a shreak in the force that sounded like someone was in brutal pain. The scream sounded like... “Ezra!" Kanan said. He quickly then fell to the ground and tried to get up. But there was something that couldn't make him get up. There was pain in his stomach.
Its like he felt the pain that Ezra was having. After that... The pain left and Kanan got up. He tried to use the force again to get his beloved Padawan but no response... Indeed the Jedi was in fear. Fear that he lost someone that he loved forever.... He had tears in his eyes but fought them back in. He then walked of to his room and tried to relax and figure out where his Padawan was.

Hera's POV

I could tell Kanan was afraid that he might've lost Ezra. I indeed was also afraid that we lost Ezra. Where ever you are Ezra... I hope you are alright...

Yeah a bit short. But its getting late where I am at. I'll update when my phone gets paid. That is all. Bye bye!!!

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