Chapter Three

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After their second journey to Victoria's Secret, Chloe was feeling way too many different emotion. She felt hot because damn that Beca has an amazing body. She felt happy for Beca for finding someone she's willing to do so much for. She felt so angry that she was doing it for Jesse instead of her. She envied Jesse.

God, why can't I just tell her?

Chloe thought to herself as Stacie and Beca and paid for the necessities of tonight.

Why does Jesse have to be such a good guy? Why can't he be a dick so I don't feel so bad for the way I feel about his girl?

"Okay, Chlo. Let's get back to the house." Stacie said as she and Beca approached. "Its my favorite part of a date. Make over!"

"Yay." Beca said sarcastically as she walked toward the exit. Stacie began to follow her but Chloe stopped her, "Really, Stacie?"


"A make over? Why would she need one?"

"Have you seen her? Bleh." Stacie immediately caught herself after the words fell from her lips. "I know you like that goth look on her, but Jesse would like a freshened up look."

"Jesse should like her no matter what she looked like. He would if he truly loved her."

"Oh please." Stacie rolled her eyes. Chloe examined her friend. "Stace, have you ever actually been in love?"

"What?" Stacie asked with a weird expression on her face. "You have?" Chloe asked in shock. "But, what happened?"

"Its not important." Stacie's expression immediately saddened. "Did he break your heart?" Stacie sighed and walked away from the ginger. "I told you, its not important. It was just some junior high thing. Its over."

"Stace," Chloe ran and caught up to her, "its not a big deal. It happens to all if us. Just tell me." Stacie stayed quiet as she walked. "Fine. Don't talk. But you know I'll get it out of you eventually." Stacie snorted a little, "Sure."

"Guys! Stop dicking around! I don't have all day!" Beca yelled from the car. "Coming!" Stacie yelled back and quickly ran to her.

Beca and Stacie both had heart breaks that lead them to be who they are and neither will talk. Chloe really has her work cut out for her. She'll hear the stories, even if its its the last thing she does.
Beca left for her date an hour ago and Chloe's been glued to the couch. She wants to make sure Beca had a good date and someone has to help her get all of the make up and hair products off.

Sitting there munching on some potato chips, Chloe waited anxiously. Stacie had come down from her room for a snack when she cut Chloe. She smiled a little and stepped into the living area. "Chlo?"

"Shit." Chloe cursed a s the sudden voice startled her. "Stace, you scared me." She said as she looked back at the girl. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for Beca?"

"Why?" Stacie asked though she knew why. "No reason. Just wanna be sure she had a good time." Stacie crossed her and smiled at the ginger. "What? Its true."

"Mm hm." They had a stare off for a moment. "Fine, I hope its awful. I hope she dumps Jesse. Happy?" Chloe caved. Stacie laughed a little before plopping down next to Chloe. "Oh Chloe, Chloe, Chloe."

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