Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry for any incorrect grammar or spelling or superfluous words. I proofread, but I don't remember if I changed anything. But enjoy!

“What are you doing here?” Beca asked the ginger in a hushed tone. “What do you think? I’m here for my interview.” Her heart dropped when the words rang through her ears. “Your interview? You mean, you’re the new artist my friend asked me to sign?”

“Well, Jesse’s friend actually. You are the wife of Jared’s friend, right?” Her voice had a sharpness to it that easily cut through Beca’s protective barriers straight to her heart. “I’m sorry.” The words fell from her lips almost instinctively. She had spent years preparing herself for the day that she would come face to face with Chloe again, and she thought she was ready to handle any anger or heartbreak that she had felt or that Chloe had projected onto her. But now that that day has finally arrived, she’s quickly realizing how wrong she was. Just the monotone glare that she was receiving from the ex-lover was enough to mutilate her. “You’re sorry?” Chloe seemed almost surprised by the apology, “Don’t be. You leaving me was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“Oh.” Beca squeaked the response, Chloe’s harshness toward her feeling like a fierce blow to her chest, knocking the air from her lungs. “I’m happy for you, Chloe. Congratulations on your career, you deserve it.” Chloe finally removed her arms from where they had been folded across her chest and used to them for balance as she leaned onto the desk, gaining closeness to Beca who cowered at the movement. “Let’s make something clear,Swanson.” The way she said her name was filled with so much hate that the repulsion almost dripped from it, “I don’t want to be friends with you, so don’t try it. As far as I’m concerned, we’re just co-workers. The only reason I am letting you back into my life is because I need a producer, and you’re a good one.”

“What makes you think that I’ll take you on?” The small amount courage that she managed to muster up disappeared when Chloe let out a short, shrill laugh. “This isn’t my first time meeting you, Beca. I have seen and touched your deepest points. You won’t let me leave this room without a deal, if not for anything else, then solely for the fact that you feel bad for me. For what you did to me. And at this point, I really don’t give a shit if that’s your reasoning. I just want to be able to make music and give everyone out there that has been fucked over by you or anybody a voice. So do us both a favor and sign the damn papers so we don’t have to be near each other any longer than necessary.” Beca stared into those compelling blue orbs that would always make her weak that today take on no less of the affect. She reached for a pen then scribbled her name along the indicated line. With an evil like smirk, Chloe snatched the paper from the desk, “Great. See you at work, Mrs. Swanson.”

“I’ll see you, Chl-Mrs. Beale.” Beca quickly corrected when Chloe flashed her a glare. “We’ll start whenever you’re ready.”

“I’ll call you.” Chloe said then made her way to the exit. “Wait, you didn’t get my number.” Beca tried to stop her but Chloe was already out the door. “That fucking asshole. I’m going to kill him for sending her here.” Beca thought aloud as she dialed Jared’s number and held the ringing device to her ear. “Jared! What the fuck, man?!”

“I take it you met your newest artist.”

“Fuck you, Jared! Why would you do this to me? You know everything!”

“You’re welcome, Beca.” He stayed calm as he spoke, “You’re welcome? For what? She’s pissed, Jared. She hates me and wants absolutely nothing to with me.”

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