Chapter Six

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Darkness blanketed the campus as midnight dawned upon the residents. The stars in the sky were the only source of light, illuminating the path as Beca followed it, her eyes watching the black combat boots clinging to her size seven feet as they scuffed across the concrete. The cordless Beats rested around her neck, the music having fallen into a hush with the length of her walk. The only thing that she could hear was the sound of Jesse's voice replaying in her mind. The words he had spoken during their conversation just hours before, ricocheted through her mind like a bullet hitting the surface of titanium.

"Beca?" The sound, as quiet as it may have been, made Beca jump a foot out of her skin. "Woah, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Chloe's smile was blinding to the smaller girl, but even a crowbar couldn't have pried her eyes from the ginger. "Hey, Chlo. Why are you out so late?"

"I could ask you the same." She replied, searching Beca's face for a clue. Realizing that she wouldn't give it up so easily, Chloe continued with her own explanation. "Well, I was on a date."

"With Luke?" Chloe gave her an aghast expression, "How'd you know?" She questioned. "I saw you guys having lunch. But that was hours ago, why are you just now returning?" Chloe gave a slight shrug, "We just enjoyed hanging out at lunch, so we decided to extend the date by a few hours." As inane as it seemed, Beca felt herself become jealous by the words. "So, do you think that this will become a steady thing?" A smile had formed across Chloe's face, and it was then that Beca knew, but she chased it away in fear. "Yes, I think it could become a regular thing. You were right, he's a nice guy. I should've taken a chance on him years ago."

A silence fell over them as Beca contemplated her next move. After a few mute moments of walking side by side, Beca finally spoke. "Are you guys, you know?" Chloe let out a loud gasp at the invasion of her privacy, but couldn't help but to laugh at the feigned accusation. "It was the first date, Beca. And even if we did, why would I talk about it?" Beca smiled a genuine smile as the relief flooded her, "Because I'm your best friend and we tell each other everything. That's why."

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that. But, I'm hurt that you would even think that I would have sex on the first date."

"Oh, please. I've seen you do just that."

"You have—oh wait, maybe you have." Beca chuckled a little, "Yeah, you remember Chad?" Chloe gave a small nod, "I remember him very well." She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she glanced over at the brunette. "I do, too. Those sounds..." she trailed off a shiver shot down her spine, "they are forever imprinted in my mind." Chloe rolled her eyes, biting back the remark of how she had to listen to her with Jesse.

Yet another silence fell over them, this one being shorter than the first. "So, I was at Jesse's." Beca stated as she came to a stop, and slowly lowered herself onto a nearby bench. "Sorry, I've been walking for hours. And this information is finally kicking my ass, and I just need a break." Concern immediately flooded Chloe, and she took a seat next to her best friend. "Beca, what's wrong?" Beca peered into the sparkling blues that have recently managed to take her breath away with the slightest glance. She looked down quickly, staring at her hands as she viciously played with her fingers. "So, that girl that I saw Jesse with..." Chloe nodded, assuring her that she is following, "Well, he wasn't sleeping with her. Turns out, she's his cousin."

"What? Why didn't he tell you instead of letting you think that he was cheating? Was he just trying to be a dick?"

"Well, that's why I feel like shit." She mumbled, "Turns out, when I saw him hugging her, that was because she was informing him that his father was sent out to duty overseas." Immediately understanding, Chloe threw an arm over Beca and pulled her close, providing her with solace. Beca snuggled into her, burying her face in the neck she had been in complete awe over that afternoon. "I feel like such a bitch. For everything I thought, everything I said..." she trailed off and let her voice drop to a barely audible whisper, "Everything I did."

Chloe's heart began to pound as Beca's words progressed. "What exactly did you do?" She asked in a hushed whisper. Beca inhaled a long, deep breath before letting it out slowly, "I'm so sorry, Chloe." Her tone matched that of her best friends, and never changed as the conversation trailed on. "Sorry for what?" Beca didn't moved her from her position, "For kissing you in that bar." Chloe held her breath as she waited, only to come to the realization that she had finished. "That's it?"

"Why? Is there more?" Chloe released the breath as relief hit her, "No. Of course not. That was it." She didn't hesitate to give her answer, "But, I have a confession to make." Beca retracted and looked up at her friend, "Confession?" A nod played the ginger's response, and yet another long breath was sucked into her lungs. "We did kiss, but you weren't the instigator. I was."

"Wait, so, you kissed me?" Another nod, "Thank God. I thought I was going to have to tell Jesse that I cheated, and I couldn't do that. Not in a time like this."

"I'm sorry I did. We were drunk, and my mind was clouded. I didn't mean for that to happen." Chloe rambled on, Beca sitting back and watching her with a smile stretched across her face. "I'm the one that's sorry, Bec."

"Don't be." Her eyes snapped up to meet the steely blues that ran through the Mitchell bloodline, "Don't be?" Beca giggled slightly as she detected the expression on Chloe's face, "Yeah. I mean, yeah you shouldn't have done it, but I'm not complaining. It was good, and it was just a kiss between two friends. That's hardly anything to really get pissed over. Right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. Now let's go home and snuggle on the couch with a decent movie like we always do." Chloe smiled at the suggestion and lifted herself to her feet. "I've been waiting to hear those words all night." Beca took Chloe's outstretched hand and stood up, walking shoulder to shoulder with her as they approached the Bella home.

"Beca, stop doing that. You know it tickles."

"Why do you think I'm doing it?" Chloe laid across a smirking Beca's lap, her head resting on her upper thighs. Goosebumps appeared on the surface of Chloe's skin as Beca, having pulled the back of friend's shirt up, gently trailed her fingers along the outline of her spine. Having done this many times before, she knows exactly what spots to hit to get the best reaction. "Beca!" She erupted into giggles once Beca's fingers had reached her lower back right above where her pants hugs her waist. "Does that tickle?"

"You know it does, you pitch!" Beca laughed as Chloe struggled to free herself from her grip. She thrashed around, but Beca's actions never ceased. Chloe managed to overthrow her, but ended up toppling onto the floor, bringing Beca down with her. "Ow." Beca said through slight laughter. "How did your fat ass end up on top?"

"Hey! I am not fat!" Chloe matched the giggles that erupted from the younger Bella. "Whatever you say, Beale." Chloe cut her laughter short and stared at the girl with a serious expression. She only lasted seconds before erupting into more giggles, causing Beca's case of them to grow even stronger.

"What the hell is all of that raucous?" Neither of them could stop laughing to answer Amy's question. "Guys, what the hell?" Stacie joined Amy at the doorway just in time for Beca's giggles to cease just enough for her to speak. "Sorry guys. We're just goofing around."

"Well stop and go to bed. We have practice tomorrow, followed up by the riff off. We need sleep." The laughter immediately halted and both girls nodded. "You're right. Sorry." Beca lifted herself to her feet and hoisted Chloe to hers before heading to their respected rooms, mumbling an apology to the girls as they passed them. Once both were safely in their rooms, their roommates turned to each other and spoke in unison,

"How are they so clueless?" Shrugging their shoulders simultaneously, they disappeared to the confines of their rooms until morning came to break their slumber once again.

I admit, this chapter was not quite as good. But, what do you expect from me? I'm trying  new thing with the tension. It'll get better, and I'm open to suggestions. If you have any, PM me. Or just comment. Whatever is convenient for you. 

The photo I attached because they're adorable, and with the giggles, it reminded me of the end of the chapter. And, my collection of BeChloe photos has been increasing, so why not attach a few? 

Anyway, I've found myself being forced into more boring thinking time due to weather and my friends getting themselves grounded on top of my no life status in general, so expect more fairly soon.

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