Chapter Twenty-Two

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The morning sun poured through the windows, illuminating the room and the tiny body that lay nestled under the duvets of Chloe's bed. Chloe, concealing her naked body beneath her fluffy robe, sat perched at her vanity. Her eyes stayed dead center on the equally naked body of her lover as reoccurring thoughts ricocheted around her skull. One thought, in particular, just wouldn't go away.

Where is this going?

She knows that what they are doing is wrong, and considered a sin by word of the Bible, but she just can't help herself around the other girl. And when she mentions the guilt she feels to Beca, she simply blows it off by trailing kisses along her neck in such a way that Chloe can't fight the need for her.

"Blows her off" is a harsh way of putting it. Beca isn't a believer of the All Mighty. She doesn't mean to turn a cold shoulder on Chloe's beliefs, but she also doesn't want to be without her. Of course she feels bad that Chloe feels bad, but she's given her many opportunities to stop. Its not her fault Chloe has decided to keep committing adultery with her.

Chloe's stare held strong as Beca began to shuffle into consciousness. She caught site of the ginger watching over and gave a hazy chuckle, "What? Do I have a scarlet A pinned to my chest?"

Chloe rolled her eyes at the comment and joined her in the bed as the brunette pulled herself into the sitting position, "This isn't funny, Beca. I really feel bad about this."

"What am I supposed to do? I've given you every opportunity to stop. You're here by choice. So tell me, what am I supposed to do?"

"You could leave him, then we could get married like we were supposed to."

"Yeah, I could leave him. But then I'd lose the most precious thing in the world to me."

"You're right." Chloe sighed and slumped back.

"I don't want to be right. I would love to leave him and start a life together. But no matter how much I love you, I will always love Anne more and I can't do anything that could potentially take her from me."

"I know. Why is he so vindictive? He used to be harmless."

"I don't know," Beca tugged part of Chloe's robe to one side to expose her thigh, "Maybe I rubbed off on him." She trailed her her fingers along the soft skin, stopping once they reach the apex. "Or maybe he's just overcompensating for his tiny dick." She wiggled her pinky in Chloe's face before reaching back down between her legs and applying slight pressure to her clit. She smiled as she watched Chloe's bottom lip get caught between her teeth, "What I do know is that I don't love him any longer." Her fingers moved in gentle circles, easily drawing a moan from Chloe's lips. She kissed the girl's ear, trapping the lobe between her lips for a small minute. "I love you."
"How do I live? The death of a bachelor, oh oh-oh, letting the water fall. The death of a bachelor, oh oh-oh, seems so fitting for happily ever after. Whoop, how could I ask for more? Lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor."

Chloe walked into the studio to the familiar sound of Brendon Urie. She stopped and tried to contain her fangirl instincts before he appeared in her line of view. The music ended and, after a few presses of buttons of which the meanings fall on deaf ears to Chloe, Beca spoke into the microphone that allowed her to be heard by the artist in the booth.

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